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Type: Posts; User: Fawkes

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  1. Replies

    Printing Issue: Repeating pattern in walls

    Hello, I just recently added the Microswiss direct drive extruder and hot end to my Ender 3 Pro. My prints before were amazing and after switching to these they have become very problematic. I have...
  2. FIXED: I took apart the mainboard to check all...

    FIXED: I took apart the mainboard to check all cables once more and found that the Y Z labels on the wires were swapped for the stop switch cables. So they were not being triggered correctly. After...
  3. Ender 3 Pro Stop Switches Not Working (Homing failed Printer halted Please reset)

    I just recently bought an Ender 3 Pro brand new and got it all assembled. When I do the "auto home" setting the X axis goes home and hits stop switch and then the Y axis (bed) goes back and hits the...
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