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Type: Posts; User: cDuck28Z

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  1. I understand this completely. But why would my...

    I understand this completely. But why would my model print different layers at different speeds when both layers are absolutely identical?
  2. Simplify3D - Uneven and Inconsistent Print Speeds

    Good evening,I'm playing around with my slicer setting and can't figure out why my printer speeds are so inconsistent between layers that are the exact same. Lowering or adjusting my speed does not...
  3. Just finished upgrading to Sailfish....

    Just finished upgrading to Sailfish. Unfortunately, it had no effect on the temperature sensor. I ordered a new one from eBay and I'll report back with the results. In the meantime, has anyone else...
  4. I'll give that a try tonight. I've watched a...

    I'll give that a try tonight. I've watched a couple youtube instructions on that and was thinking about doing it soon anyway. But I'll report back when I see if that's what the problem is.

  5. What am I doing wrong?!! (Upgrades for my Replicator 1)

    My brother got me a MonoPrice Architect 3D printer for Christmas and I've been messing around with it for while now. Its based off of the same design as the Makerbot Replicator 1 (the original) and...
  6. Thread: A4988 Chip

    by cDuck28Z

    Hey, just a heads up for anyone out there that is...

    Hey, just a heads up for anyone out there that is running the same printer or ran into the same problem as me. I was able to find a direct replacement from FlashForgeUSA. Here's the Link:
  7. Thread: A4988 Chip

    by cDuck28Z

    Sorry, didn't know how to change the post's...

    Sorry, didn't know how to change the post's location and figured this was a more appropriate location. Someone somewhere has to manufacture this thing because it made it's way into my machine. Could...
  8. Thread: A4988 Chip

    by cDuck28Z

    A4988 Chip

    Good Evening,

    I'm new to the world of 3D printing after my brother got me the Maker Architect 3D Printer based off the same design of the Makerbot Replicator. Their whole selling point is that its...
  9. Thread: A4988 Chip

    by cDuck28Z

    A4988 Chip

    Good Evening,

    I'm new to the world of 3D printing after my brother got me the Maker Architect 3D Printer based off the same design of the Makerbot Replicator. Their whole selling point is that its...
Results 1 to 9 of 9