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Type: Posts; User: BakerEvan

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  1. Is Stratasys stock downfall due to MakerBot?

    Do you guys think that the reason that Stratasys' stock is so low is because of their acquisition of MakerBot. I've been hearing a lot of people (mostly those that dislike Makerbot) say this is the...
  2. Replies

    Trick for using Glue Stick on Print Bed

    I now there has been a lot of discussion around what types of tricks people use for getting their prints to stick to their print beds. This is a trick that I found on reddit, that really does work...
  3. Replies

    No need for a subsection for these. I think just...

    No need for a subsection for these. I think just threads for them, and if anyone one gets really big, perhaps a sub folder for that brand (i.e. 3Doodler, LIX, etc) would cut it.
  4. Replies

    Wax Carving Kit to Remove Support Material

    This is a tip that I saw elsewhere online and never even considered doing before. You can use a wax carving kit to help remove support material from your FDM prints. This is pretty brilliant I...
  5. Right now 3D Printing has impacted supply chains...

    Right now 3D Printing has impacted supply chains simply because things don't need to be kept in stock. When something is needed, they simply print however many they need. This requires a lot less...
  6. Replies

    I've never used it, but I have heard really good...

    I've never used it, but I have heard really good things about it.

    This would be something that would definitely come in handy when designing certain things.
  7. Cool Printrbot XL laser cut & etched acrylic platform

    I saw this on thingiverse today. It looks pretty cool. Has anyone tried this or have any idea how it will work?
  8. Replies

    Solidoodle Outshined at CES?

    I'm a bit disappointed in Solidoodle. They are at CES 2014 showing off the Solidoodle 4, which really is not much of an upgrade at all over the SD3. Meanwhile, companies like 3D Systems (Cube 3 and...
  9. Replies

    I love what America Makes has done by teaming...

    I love what America Makes has done by teaming with MakerBot on the MakerBot Academy. Every school should have a 3D Printer for their students, in my opinion.

    I was totally unaware that the...
  10. Replies

    2014 - The Year of the 3D Metal Printers?

    The way things are shaping up, it looks like 2014 may just be the year that we begin seeing affordable Metal based 3D Printers released for consumers. Why do I say this:

    1) Several major metal 3D...
  11. Replies

    Once upon a time, there was someone with an idea....

    Once upon a time, there was someone with an idea. His idea was so extraordinary
  12. Replies

    My guess is that we will hear something from...

    My guess is that we will hear something from Makerbot by mid 2014, but probably won't see it released until late 2014 or early 2015. Again, this is only a guess, and your guess is as good as mine.
  13. I love hearing stories like this. This printer...

    I love hearing stories like this. This printer takes something that is in abundance, uses nothing but solar energy and makes something that is useful. I think this will lead to other ways in which...
  14. Replies

    I would just suggest buying a better hot end. ...

    I would just suggest buying a better hot end. That's not something you want to cheap out on.
  15. I didn't even think of this use. It's like...

    I didn't even think of this use. It's like networking for 3D Printing.

    How about just general services online that will allow you to print in any material on any machine, and then simply...
  16. Replies

    You have some good prices. Overall, how would...

    You have some good prices. Overall, how would you say your PLA rates quality wise?
  17. With heart disease running in my family, I'm glad...

    With heart disease running in my family, I'm glad to see something like this coming in the future. Perhaps we can entirely repair broken heart and arteries soon.
  18. Printtopeer - Cloud/Remote 3D Printing - Brilliant or Stupid?

    I was just browsing the net for 3D Printing stuff, like I always do.

    I came across this new site (at least I think it's new), of this company that is trying to create Remote 3D printing. It is...
  19. Replies

    Pretty cool, although I don't see much use for...

    Pretty cool, although I don't see much use for something like this LOL.
  20. Replies

    One up Vs. Two Up

    Can someone explain to me what the major differences between the One Up and Two Up are?
  21. Replies

    Usually you get what you pay for. This is priced...

    Usually you get what you pay for. This is priced rather low for a metal printer. It's going to be awesome for jewelry and such, but as for working gears, and things that require stronger metal, I'm...
  22. Replies

    Sorry, I can't help with your question, but may I...

    Sorry, I can't help with your question, but may I ask you what type of printer you plan on building? Details, details! We need Details!! :)
  23. Replies

    This goes to show how simple it really is to...

    This goes to show how simple it really is to create a 3D Printer. People think it's a lot harder than it really is. You see companies popping up out of no where raising millions of dollars on...
  24. Replies

    I agree with Mysli. A better extruder is...

    I agree with Mysli. A better extruder is something I'd love to see, as well as the threadless ball-screws. I think the Solidoodle 3 is a spectacular printer, but like everything, there is always...
  25. What DrLuigi says is true to a certain extent. ...

    What DrLuigi says is true to a certain extent. However, it is a trademark that they are giving the design out for. Legally they should ask for permission. However, I would doubt any of these...
Results 1 to 25 of 32
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