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Type: Posts; User: Steffie/GRR

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  1. Replies

    Hi Mike, your NEO comes with a flexible...

    Hi Mike,

    your NEO comes with a flexible Buildtak printing plate.

    I'd reccomend you start with PLA. We add some Performance PLA - it's easy to print and comes with a rather smooth surface...
  2. If you refer to the NEO, the NEO doesn't need a...

    If you refer to the NEO, the NEO doesn't need a heating bed, as our printing plate prints nicely PLA without heating bed
  3. We offer wifi with our optional 3dprintbox ...

    We offer wifi with our optional 3dprintbox
  4. The X400 is a DIY Kit and the X400 CE is...

    The X400 is a DIY Kit and the X400 CE is assembled with all certifications. There is no problem with printing PLA. It does not have a heated chamber, therefore no problem with printing PLA. If you...
  5. Replies

    Info: X400 DIY Kit Special offer

    Hi guys,

    just wanted to post that there is a special offer online for those who considered a 400 DIY Kit.
    For a limited time period (until Sept. 31st, 2014) the large volume 3D printer X400 is...
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