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Type: Posts; User: dustmann

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  1. Do you have eeprom settings enabled? It sounds...

    Do you have eeprom settings enabled? It sounds like perhaps you have a conflict between your firmware and the eeprom settings for your Z probe. Try running an M502 command followed by M500 to rule...
  2. Are you setting your Z offset with the bed...

    Are you setting your Z offset with the bed heated? I always set Z offset with the bed heated, and after running a G29 command, so that the offset accounts for the bed mapping stored by G29. Also,...
  3. Looks like you forgot to uncomment line 1300 ...

    Looks like you forgot to uncomment line 1300

  4. Check your ABL probe positions, and make sure...

    Check your ABL probe positions, and make sure that your values will work within the parameters of your X/Y probe offset values. For example, your X probe offset from extruder looks to be 29.5, so...
  5. Clever! I will have to check out RC7, it seems...

    Clever! I will have to check out RC7, it seems Marlin updates to a new RC about the time I think I have a particular RC (I'm usually at least one behind) dialed in :p
  6. You will need to measure your Z offset (as you...

    You will need to measure your Z offset (as you mentioned, by using a piece of paper, and checking the Z position on the LCD) AFTER you run the G-29 ABL command. I run a G-28 to home everything, run...
  7. Also, is that yellow print in PETG? I have a...

    Also, is that yellow print in PETG? I have a translucent red that exhibits that exact same behavior. I ended up with a super light opaque pink that looks like it's full of air bubbles at 220c,but at...
  8. Have you run any cleaning filament through your...

    Have you run any cleaning filament through your extruder? It could have a bit of melted pla lodged in there somewhere that could be causing snags if your filament tolerance is off a little (ie in...
  9. Simplify3d has a good guide for this. They have...

    Simplify3d has a good guide for this. They have a whole section on the hobbed bolt chewing into your filament. One thing they don't mention is: how difficult is it to feed filament into the...
  10. I would really like to see improvements for...

    I would really like to see improvements for multiple filament printing. Maybe I just haven't spent enough time tuning my printer, but the inevitable ooze from the unused hot-end almost always ends...
  11. Replies

    What material are you using? And what speed are...

    What material are you using? And what speed are you printing at? It looks like an overheating issue to me, with maybe a touch of over-extrusion (although the bottom of your print looks ok). Which...
  12. James, I would have to dig up the old firmware...


    I would have to dig up the old firmware to see what is causing that error, and I think transposing settings from the old to the new RC6 would be your best bet. Did you define the number of...
  13. Replies

    Did they remove Z_RAISE before homing?

    I am using RC Bugfix from 31 May 2016, and one feature I don't see anymore is the "z raise before homing" setting. There is still a z raise before probing for ABL, but oftentimes if I am checking my...
  14. Yes, Download the latest firmware from GitHub:...


    Download the latest firmware from GitHub:

    It will require the use of arduino 1.6.0 or newer (I think 1.6.9 is the latest)...
  15. I would highly recommend upgrading to the newest...

    I would highly recommend upgrading to the newest arduino IDE and the latest Marlin firmware. A lot of bugs have been worked out since then and ABL works almost out of the box with the latest...
  16. Replies

    Yep, exactly :). Keep in mind that the preferred...

    Yep, exactly :). Keep in mind that the preferred method to measure the approximate distance between nozzle/bed is with a piece of paper. Make sure your paper is about 50 microns thick or you may...
  17. Replies

    Thanks for the tip! I will definitely be trying...

    Thanks for the tip! I will definitely be trying this out next time. PETG eats the cheap HD glass. I usually buy the 12x36" glass and cut it myself. Looks to be about the same price locally (12x36...
  18. Replies

    That looks fairly good to me. Is your nozzle...

    That looks fairly good to me. Is your nozzle breaking prints loose on tall/skinny prints? You may be able to fix that by raising your nozzle away from the bed very slightly (.01 or .02mm). PET is...
  19. Replies

    I confirmed tonight the bugfix firmware does...

    I confirmed tonight the bugfix firmware does resolve the issue after adding the language.h change. Now I'm back in business! :cool:
  20. Replies

    Well it compiles just fine as downloaded, but...

    Well it compiles just fine as downloaded, but when I change the motherboard to BOARD_RUMBA from the RAMPS, I get an error that I detail below. After inspection of language.h it appears that RUMBA is...
  21. Replies

    Thanks Roxy, i looked into it and appears it's...

    Thanks Roxy, i looked into it and appears it's been reported several times and fixed in the RCbugfix release,but I cannot get that version to compile for some reason. I think I must have missed a...
  22. Replies

    Does anyone know how to fix an issue with the...

    Does anyone know how to fix an issue with the "tune" setting? After loading RC3, I can no longer tune settings mid-print from LCD. If I click into the menu, click tune, and try to adjust say nozzle...
  23. Replies

    I have had quite a few mechanical crashes after...

    I have had quite a few mechanical crashes after adding this end code, it works fine for the first print, but causes crashes at the beginning of a new print. See my original post above.
  24. Replies

    Does this break the parameters of the limits set...

    Does this break the parameters of the limits set in firmware? When I add a G91 followed by a G1 Z25 on a 10mm test cube, the LCD is reporting 35.0mm as the final Z position before homing. A G92...
  25. Replies

    Which slicing software are you using? slic3r...

    Which slicing software are you using? slic3r sets a G90 command at the beginning of a print to use absolute coordinates. Your G91 command set at the end of the G-code can remedy this as you have...
Results 1 to 25 of 50
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