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Type: Posts; User: Shadly

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  1. Replies

    Top Layer is Stringy, Disconnected


    I am having an issue with the top layers of my print. They come out stringy and disconnected in spots. This is most visible in the areas where the infill buts up against perimeters. I also...
  2. So, we were on the fence about buying a Fusion 3...

    So, we were on the fence about buying a Fusion 3 or theFormLabs Form 2 resin printer. We have pieces printed in Form 2 that are prettysolid. Basically we have the infill cranked up as high as it will...
  3. Printing Pressure Chambers Using a Fusion 3 F400 and ABS

    Is it possible to print pressure chambers on filament printers like the Fusion 3 F400 using ABS? We just bought one, but I'm worried that the print will be too porous to contain the pressure. Has...
Results 1 to 3 of 3