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Type: Posts; User: francis

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  1. My point there was that it being an Ender 3 isn't...

    My point there was that it being an Ender 3 isn't inherently a problem. If you got one that was properly assembled, they work just fine. It's just that some of them weren't and in those cases, it can...
  2. Replies

    Alternatives to SKR?

    I bought a bigtree tech SKR 1.2 last month and it was dead on arrival. Won't flash new firmware and won't display anything on the stock Ender 3 LCD. Tech support can't figure out how to get it...
  3. What are you talking about? Once I got my bed...

    What are you talking about? Once I got my bed leveling down, I've had no problems of any sort. Print failures have been rare and the general print quality has been reliable. The BLTouch is really...
  4. Replies

    It's a waste of money. I got the SKR 1.2 and it...

    It's a waste of money. I got the SKR 1.2 and it arrived defective, the stock LCD screen won't work with it and it refuses to update firmware. The manufacturer has been no help of any sort getting it...
Results 1 to 4 of 4