I run into the same problems. My slicer does NOT allow me to arrange the objects pre gcode formation. Would you recommend other software?
Type: Posts; User: JMK
I run into the same problems. My slicer does NOT allow me to arrange the objects pre gcode formation. Would you recommend other software?
I think they hope this thing goes viral, in turn providing them with a bunch of free advertising. Great video, and it probably will go viral.
This sounds like a bug on your computer. Have you tried printing from another machine?
Kinda an ugly car if you were to ask me. I've seen better on thingiverse.
I saw this posted by fabbaloo on google, but I can't seem to find the source files for it. It's a 3D printed lamp of Darth Vader, and it is magnificent! Does anyone know where the source files are...
$100K, is ridiculout. I can only imagine how fragile this is. Not to mention, it will probably not last 10 years. Looks great though. Just not $100,000 great :)
Can someone tell me what has been improved in the E3D version 6 when compared to the E3D version 5? I know the size as changed, but what else? Is that all? Has anyone used both and can say which...
I've found that scanning any shiney or metalic surface doesn't work so well. It's better to do something dull. At least in my experience with my cousins digitizer scanner.
Geoff, I'm loving your designs. I hope you win :)
I know the basics. A liquid polymer resin is hardened by a laser or light beam. However, I don't understand how the laser can only hit the surface and harden 0.001mm of that surface, without...
This is pretty cool. Is there a printer being designed using this type of technology? This printer looks very simple hardware wise.
This is pretty interesting. A company called Creative Tools, has created a script to send 3D files that are in Blender, directly to Octoprint for 3D printing. I would imagine this could be quite...
Does any software out there allow for you to take a 2D photograph and then make CAD drawings on top of it? This would allow you to make a 2D image into a 3D printable image, or take photos of 3D...
I'm strongly considering the purchase of a Flashforge 3d printer. I'm wondering if all you people that own one are generally happy with your purchase. Does it works better or the same as a...
This really isn't the case Chiloquin. I've seen on numerous occasions where they have had an article that was composed at least 50% of sniplets from multiple websites. For example, they may take...
I agree with awerby. Thingiverse doesn't have a business model in and of itself. Thingiverse is an offshoot of MakerBot. It's a community that is driven by MakerBot. The idea behind Thingiverse...
Try this.
Go to the printer/firmware tab, and set it to 5d. After doing that, slice it. It should allow you to save it as a gco file, and that should solve your problem with Repetier, I believe.
I'm looking to get my nephew into 3D design. He is very artistic and is always asking me about 3D printing. I think he would be tremendous at designing stuff. He's only 15 years old but is very...
Does anyone else feel that MakerBot CEO Bree Pettis really has a chance to be the Steve Jobs of 3D printing? I just think that he has the personality and love for 3D printing that could make him a...
They are expected to start being delivered in the beginning of May, so this should only be a couple of week away. I'll be interested to see what feedback is on these. Will it perform as good as the...
From what I hear, both of these are quite amazing. I hear that some printers have a little bit of a difficult time printing using the NinjaFlex (could be the same with the FilaFlex), but when you...
Perhaps they have some new technology or method of building these printers that can significantly drive prices down. Not to mention they will be making a ton of these. Economies of scale certainly...
These are beautiful. Not a big minecraft fan but I know those that are. Do you know if they are selling these at all? I know some people that would probably pay $1,000 for these.
Just saw that 3D Hubs released some stats of their users. I know this is only a small percentage of people using 3D printers worldwide, but I'm sure some of these numbers hold up well over a broader...
I'm trying to find a video of the Mark One 3D Printer in action. Does one exist yet?