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Type: Posts; User: co3Dprints

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  1. Agree, when I saw the price tag originally, I...

    Agree, when I saw the price tag originally, I thought I was smoking crack. The Titan1 kills the ember thus far and almost half the price.
  2. Replies

    Oh yeah, these are test prints. the Donkey is...

    Oh yeah, these are test prints. the Donkey is from thingiverse and the Yoda is part of the sample test prints from Kudo3D that came with the printer. These...
  3. Replies

    I have done maybe a dozen or so prints with my...

    I have done maybe a dozen or so prints with my Titan 1. There is a learning curve, but the payoff is huge. It works awesome.
    It's as...
  4. I have a Titan1 3D printer. It's much more cost...

    I have a Titan1 3D printer. It's much more cost effective. The price seems way too high. Only advantage is it's a bit more turnkey. But for the price difference I'll stick with my Kudo3d Titan1...
Results 1 to 4 of 4