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Type: Posts; User: guitartoys

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  1. Make Magazines's Latest 3-D Printer Shootout - Creator Pro on the bottom

    Just got the latest 3-D printer shootout issue from Make Magazine.

    And was very disappointed with the results.

    They only did a brief review rather than a full one on the Microcenter...
  2. Replies

    I was worried too, as I was terrified that in...

    I was worried too, as I was terrified that in loosening those pulley's that the head would get out of whack with the left belt. But I just carefully made sure that when I moved the head back and...
  3. Sticky: I don't know, maybe I'm just lucky, Or too stupid...

    I don't know, maybe I'm just lucky, Or too stupid to know the difference.I just got my printer to weeks ago, and I've been running it overnight virtually every single night and have not had a single...
  4. Replies

    I just went through the exact same thing not a...

    I just went through the exact same thing not a day ago. What fixed it for me was to loosen all of the Allen keys on the pulley in the back right corner for the y-axis. Move the head back-and-forth in...
  5. I'm definitely interested. I'm working on my iPad...

    I'm definitely interested. I'm working on my iPad at the moment, I'll follow up with you tomorrow.

  6. Yup, I do know how to do the adjustment. I was...

    Yup, I do know how to do the adjustment. I was just wondering if there is a metal jig available, where I can place the head, and adjust it.
  7. Dual nozzle alignment jig my nozzles are out of alignment.

    I would have to believe that flashforge must have an alignment jig for setting the nozzle heights to be identical. I know I could make sure my bed is level and do the same thing.

    My heads are out...
Results 1 to 7 of 7