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Type: Posts; User: Tachout

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  1. Wanted to give everyone an update. I decided to...

    Wanted to give everyone an update. I decided to order a new fan (Because some idiot broke a fan blade off the cooling fan while it was running because he was not paying attention and let something...
  2. Thank You beerdart. I have my old one soaking in...

    Thank You beerdart. I have my old one soaking in a cap full of fingernail polish. Stupid me, I looked at the bottle and it states non acetone so I am going to run to the store and grab a bottle of...
  3. I just pulled the nozzle off and I am pretty sure...

    I just pulled the nozzle off and I am pretty sure it is clogged. I think I will just order a new hot end and see if that helps.
  4. I can put it in, and it pushes in with no...

    I can put it in, and it pushes in with no resistance until I feel it start to melt. I have then pulled it out tried it with vegetable oil on it. Still does not help. I am thinking of just ordering...

    This is the hot end I ordered with my Printer from Colin at Makerfarm.

    .40mm Hexagon Nozzle for 1.75mm Filament(Prints ABS, PLA...
  6. Printbus I went through your guide as recommended...

    Printbus I went through your guide as recommended and worked each idea and could not figure it out. Then working with Colin I decided to just take and order a new spool of filament. Was going to...
  7. who knows these things real well. Cannot get it to print

    Last year I had my printer humming and printed a few cool things. got busy over the summer and let it sit. Nothing changed, nothing was touched. now all of the sudden it does not feed the...
  8. Are you kidding. I am so excited who could...

    Are you kidding. I am so excited who could sleep. It is now 5 hours in. Going to go watch some tv and check in on it on the commercials.
  9. So far it has been running for 2 hours and has...

    So far it has been running for 2 hours and has not jammed and it is progressing well. Cannot believe that I picked such a large file, but hey I knew this one worked. I am guessing I am in for a...
  10. I decided to try a different file.... One that...

    I decided to try a different file.... One that has printed good in the past. It makes 8 scale jack stands for r\c cars. One can never had too many jack stands right? Decided to run it and see how...
  11. This is driving me nuts. Got a nice first layer...

    This is driving me nuts. Got a nice first layer put down and I decided to let it run for a bit to see what happened, while I sat and watched it. First layer seemed like it was actually putting out...
  12. I will try that. I just loaded a different roll...

    I will try that. I just loaded a different roll to see if maybe it was because it was the end of an old roll.
  13. What am I doing wrong? Extruder eating fillament

    I have a Makerfarm 8" i3v I have not used it all summer as had other things going and it was printing fine then. I decided to dust it off and see what I could do during the winter on a couple of...
  14. Replies

    Looking for Fillament recommendations

    Good Morning all,

    I am working on a part for someone and the prototype I printed out of PLA. He was going to have the parts Machined out of Aluminum, but found out the cost of getting these 6...
  15. Replies

    Looking for Fillament recommendation

    Good Morning all,

    I am working on a part for someone and the prototype I printed out of PLA. He was going to have the parts Machined out of Aluminum, but found out the cost of getting these 6...
  16. Thank You. I will look into this. Sure am...

    Thank You. I will look into this. Sure am looking forward to winter getting here so everything else that is going on slows down and I can get back to working with my printer.
  17. Cutting a Part before printing to get it to print in 4 pieces


    What is the best way to cut parts to print and then assemble them after printing? I am working on a Trailer for a RC truck and the parts I downloaded off Thingiverse are bigger than my print...
  18. Thank You. I do not think it is a moisture...

    Thank You. I do not think it is a moisture problem as the filament was fresh out of an air tight bag with dessicant. When I am not actually printing, I pull it off the printer, put it in a big...
  19. Hobbed bolt eating filament in the middle of printing

    Over the weekend my daughter wanted to print something for a friend of hers. I said fine, but I want you to either model it yourself or find a model on your own... Trying to teach her to either want...
  20. Replies

    Printer Control Question

    Hi all, I am sure that this is a real easy question for some of you to answer so here goes.

    I know on the controls I can move the X and the Y with the nob on the control panel. Just wondering is...
  21. Some of the scale stuff I am printing for these...

    Some of the scale stuff I am printing for these guys are
  22. Recently I have been building 1/10 scale detail...

    Recently I have been building 1/10 scale detail pieces for a few people I know that are into Scale RC stuff. I am working on a Large trailer right now that has dual axles and is made in many pieces....
  23. Replies

    printbus please do not thing I am offended in any...

    printbus please do not thing I am offended in any way. After rereading what I posted it might have come across that way. Honestly I just want to learn how all this works and improve what I already...
  24. Replies

    In reading the Pre-Requisites above I would say I...

    In reading the Pre-Requisites above I would say I can probably not do this, but I am not going to let that discourage me. I know nothing of C/C++ Code and most of everything up there is greek to me....
  25. Replies

    I think this is a great question. I think I...

    I think this is a great question. I think I understand that it dynamically will adjust the Z plane throughout the print and not the first layer, however I may be wrong.

    Another question... I...
Results 1 to 25 of 119
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