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Type: Posts; User: dacb

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  1. Terrific information. So even with the...

    Terrific information. So even with the borosilicate you see deformation of the glass plane? Interesting.
  2. This is almost certainly why borosilicate glass...

    This is almost certainly why borosilicate glass is preferred for the application. I'd be curious to hear from someone who has used it.
  3. Hi Clough, Do I take this post to mean that...

    Hi Clough,
    Do I take this post to mean that you've been running the most recent version of Marlin with changes to support your geometry and not my old fork? If so, that's great news.
  4. Replies

    I have seen this with Octoprint and auto bed...

    I have seen this with Octoprint and auto bed leveling enabled. The host side will timeout during bed probing. The pathology I saw was during the bed probing, octopi will timeout and the printer...
  5. Replies

    That's great to hear that you got it working,...

    That's great to hear that you got it working, Califdan.

    As a datapoint, I recently did a Pi2 test and installed a stock image, the octoprint source and mjpg-streamer via git and then added enough...
  6. Replies

    Thanks, everyone! Printbus, as usual, your...

    Thanks, everyone! Printbus, as usual, your answer was superlative.
  7. Replies

    Heat bed relay melted

    Interesting event.

    I have been running my printer several batches a week with PLA and the bed set @ about 70. Just as I began using a new filament, the printer started to smell. I ignored it...
  8. Replies

    Ha ha! Out of curiosity, is anyone use a...

    Ha ha!

    Out of curiosity, is anyone use a non-USB camera with OctoPi right now?
  9. Great response! I'm actually quite versed in git...

    Great response! I'm actually quite versed in git as I use it everyday at work. Time is my limiting factor. Marriage made via internet. Please feel free to PM me.
  10. Great discussion. I think the relevant...

    Great discussion.

    I think the relevant points are all represented. A more MakerFarm dedicated fork could be streamlined for the MarkerFarm users and lower the barrier to getting new stuff going...
  11. Replies

    Personally, I would keep the LCD. It can be the...

    Personally, I would keep the LCD. It can be the only place that some errors are displayed. It is also useful for doing manual moves, etc.
  12. Replies

    I don't think OctoPi defines those parameters. ...

    I don't think OctoPi defines those parameters. It does have some motion related but IIRC those are only for the interface jog, not printing.
  13. I couldn't agree more. I've been using the stock...

    I couldn't agree more. I've been using the stock settings from MakerFarm that you can find in my firmware fork. For these, I print at a layer height of .2 and print speed of 70 for PLA.

    I think...
  14. Replies

    Wow! Wild shrinkage. Are you printing in a cold...

    Wow! Wild shrinkage. Are you printing in a cold space? I wonder if the rapid cooling to ambient caused this?

    Maybe just an unlucky piece of glass.

    Interesting piece you've printed. What...
  15. Thread: my i3v 10" build

    by dacb

    There are a bunch of great build threads you...

    There are a bunch of great build threads you should check out. I'm too tired to pull up the URLs, but look for printbus page for an 8in. Most of it relevant to the larger size. Also consider...
  16. Replies

    Here is a data point... On my 10" MF, when it was...

    Here is a data point... On my 10" MF, when it was in the garage, and ambient was > 20 degree C, I could reach 110 without a lot of struggle. Below that, it was constant on and problematic although I...
  17. Replies

    Wow! I use cheap hardware store glass and print...

    Wow! I use cheap hardware store glass and print ABS onto an ABS slurry and I've never seen this! Can you post a photo? I'm kind of impressed.
  18. Replies

    Printbus nailed it. Enjoy your new tool. I...

    Printbus nailed it. Enjoy your new tool. I might have said toy, except that that it is really a tool. I've printed everything from simple stuff like replacement IKEA pegs, PCB stand-offs, to...
  19. Let me look into how this would work. There is...

    Let me look into how this would work. There is some divergence that we'd have to reconcile while separating out the MakerFarm specific bits. I have a busy week coming up, so if someone is...
  20. I would definitely. My values (i.e. the ones in...

    I would definitely. My values (i.e. the ones in that config) are almost certainly not correct for your specific build.
  21. Replies

    Sticky: Not to hijack, but I just want to put in a quick...

    Not to hijack, but I just want to put in a quick plug for openjscad instead of openscad. It performs way better (render time), doesn't have the wonky syntax and variable scoping oddities. I have...
  22. The second. It is the latest branch. Please let...

    The second. It is the latest branch. Please let me know how it works for you. I'm pretty happy with my prints since the updates.
  23. I have merged to the upstream Marlin_v1 with this...

    I have merged to the upstream Marlin_v1 with this commit:
    and added the topology report fix, previously mentioned.
  24. There are no M0 or M1 in the Cura generated...

    There are no M0 or M1 in the Cura generated G-code. It always happens after the auto bed level and before the print begins. I'm leaning very strongly towards printbus's interpretation.

    What was...
  25. I'll bring this change in too. I have noticed...

    I'll bring this change in too.

    I have noticed that Waiting for user... appears more frequently now. Almost every print. :confused:
Results 1 to 25 of 141
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