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Type: Posts; User: frederick78

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  1. I think this printer looks awesome for the price....

    I think this printer looks awesome for the price. I'd love to try this out.
  2. Sticky: My entry: - What is the most interesting thing...

    My entry:

    - What is the most interesting thing you have seen done with a 3D printer or 3D printing technology?

    I think it would have to be the 3D printed castle that Andrey Rudenko has built. ...
  3. At $12.50/kg, it makes me almost want to buy it...

    At $12.50/kg, it makes me almost want to buy it to resell.
  4. Replies

    I am pleased to announce that I just finished a...

    I am pleased to announce that I just finished a build plate of 5 different pretty solid items that took me 22 hours total. I feel very accomplished :)
  5. Replies

    What is the benefits of electroplating? Is it so...

    What is the benefits of electroplating? Is it so that paint sticks better? I'm sorry I'm a newbie when it comes to this stuff.
  6. Replies

    I love these. I found this one today. The...

    I love these. I found this one today.

    The Skeptical African Child

    I don't exactly get it though
  7. Replies

    I don't really see it. If anything I see him...

    I don't really see it. If anything I see him more of like a Bill Gates. Steve Jobs innovated. Pettis hasn't really surprised me yet with any new innovations. He just took a RepRap and started to...
  8. Replies

    haven't used it but i've heard that it works...

    haven't used it but i've heard that it works pretty well. you just have to keep in mind that you are printing with a plastic like material with a wood-like texture. It'll have the consistancy of...
  9. Replies

    How many extruders?

    How many extruders does the 3dmonstr have? Is it 4 or 6? Does this mean that all 4/6 can be printing in different colors at once?
  10. Replies

    It's hard to say "never". Who knows where we...

    It's hard to say "never". Who knows where we will be in 1000 years from now. If you look at native american tribes, their lifestyles were based on almost no greed at all. This is philosophy that...
  11. Water Bottle Rocket w/ Parachute Deployment

    Saw this on Youtue this AM. The water bottle rocket is quite impressive by itself, but throw in the Parachute deployment and I'm amazed.

    Any idea...
  12. Video ShapeWays as a supplement to your 3D Printer?

    I personally have never used Shapeways, but I've been thinking about it more and more. With the printers that I have at my disposal at home in and in my friends homes, I am very limited. I only...
  13. Replies

    Video 3D Printing Living DNA

    Saw an article on this morning. Here is a video explaining how they are 3D printing living DNA.

    Does this not scare anyone...
  14. Replies

    How often does this place have this offer? I...

    How often does this place have this offer? I hope I can catch the next one :)
  15. I plan on downloading tomorrow. If all goes well...

    I plan on downloading tomorrow. If all goes well I'll let you know how it goes.
  16. Does 3D Printing = More Plastic Pollution?

    I know there are a lot of problems with plastic pollution all around the world, particularly in the oceans. Do you guys think that with the increasing population of 3D printing, we will have even...
  17. Replies

    When will this launch on Kickstarter?

    I thought this was supposed to be going up on Kickstarter. Is this still happening or did they change their plans?
  18. Replies

    Ha, these are things that are so pointless to me....

    Ha, these are things that are so pointless to me. Why on earth would anyone want a chair this size? Who would pay $20 for it?
  19. Replies

    3D Printing has helped me with replacement parts...

    3D Printing has helped me with replacement parts that I can't find elsewhere online, or that are too expensive to buy online or in a store. It just makes it a little more conveinent.
  20. Very interesting. Thanks guys for sharing.

    Very interesting. Thanks guys for sharing.
  21. It's true, but it's just a fact of life. You...

    It's true, but it's just a fact of life. You can't have people stealing other people's ideas and making money off of them. People that invent stuff should get paid handsomely for their inventions.
  22. Poll: Are At Home 3D Printers Destined for the Garage or Office?

    What do you guys and gals think? In 10 years from now when everyone owns a 3D Printer, will they be large garage kept models or smaller office kept models? After seeing the latest Stratasys...
  23. Replies

    News Don't you think that Dell would have purchased...

    Don't you think that Dell would have purchased more industry level 3D Printers if they wanted to use them for creating stock? Also, why not buy from a reputable company like MakerBot or 3D Systems...
  24. One day, there will be a 3D Printer that can...

    One day, there will be a 3D Printer that can break down molecules and reconstruct them however they'd like. However I see that as being at least 15-20 years down the road. Could even be closer to...
  25. Thread: Hangouts

    by frederick78

    Oh great! I'll be sure to make that one. Thanks!

    Oh great! I'll be sure to make that one. Thanks!
Results 1 to 25 of 35
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