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Type: Posts; User: Darksyde

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  1. Replies

    There is also a welder based machine being worked...

    There is also a welder based machine being worked on. The concept is interesting. The weld head is stationary and uses the welding rod as the print material like a normal plastic extruder would. The...
  2. Replies

    From what I have read so far resin has better...

    From what I have read so far resin has better support with smaller points of contact. The layer banding is a lot less noticeable (note the layer 'thickness' is about the same) since you don't have...
  3. You'll need to wait a bit longer to find out. So...

    You'll need to wait a bit longer to find out. So far the few printers that have been filmed printing seem to be doing pretty well. I know one has mentioned having some feed rate issues but that may...
Results 1 to 3 of 3