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Type: Posts; User: Scubazan

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  1. Replies

    need help with extrusion problems

    I have a dual extruder Prusa with MK8 heads and direct drive steppers.

    My prints are beautiful until they just stop extruding and i find my nozzle going to town floating layers above the print...
  2. Did it again.. Stopped printing 20 layers in....

    Did it again.. Stopped printing 20 layers in. Still moving, just not extrruding

    I kill job and run extruder 15mm and it flows just fine

  3. One last very important thing. Im currently...

    One last very important thing.

    Im currently producing some very high quality prints.. But a SERIOUS issue Arieses. 4.5 hours into a 6 hour print last night, my extruder stopped producing filiant....
  4. A beginner's guide/problems of my first build, and a request for help.

    I though for the sake of a new printer i might chronicle some of the trials and tribulations ive encountered while building and using my new Geeetech Prusa i3 Pro C kit. It's their new Dual extruder...
  5. Replies

    I have found their "forum" to be all but useless....

    I have found their "forum" to be all but useless. They must approve your post before it can be viewed so if you say anything negative about the printer itself they deny it. Also, it seems there is...
  6. Replies

    Figured out the axis movement problem. News.....

    Figured out the axis movement problem. News.. After it errors I need to M999 command, "home" each axis individually and then it will "Park" at the limits I set.

    im still having the over heating...
  7. Replies

    In desperate need of help with new Prusa

    Recently I bought the Geeetech Prusa i3 Pro C. It's their new dual extruder with what they are calling a GT2560 board, "The perfect combo of Arduino Mega2560 + Ramps 1.4."

    Where re to begin.
Results 1 to 7 of 7