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Type: Posts; User: swatti

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  1. Building a big printer. Nema 17 VS Nema 23 and why?

    Almost impossible to find info on eighter one, let alone "why this over that"

    What motors should i go for and why ?

    Going to be a big machine. ~700mm'ish. To be determined.

    I want to use...
  2. Filament maker/extruder - any decent for sub 1k?

    Just took the bag of waste filament and weigh her. 60 kilos of PLA. Then the bag burst and things got embarrassing...

    Fresh 1kg spool I slap on in the morning is pretty much empty before I head to...
  3. BLtouch & Sbase. M119 command cant detect pin-position

    If i knew how much trouble this knockoff board is gonna cause me, i would have never bought it… Sadly its the only thing i have right now and i dont want to wait weeks to get another board.
    Ok. So...
  4. Replies

    SOLVED: Tried external power to the limits....


    Tried external power to the limits. They woke up. Then ran the 5v wire into the PSU instead, giving it 25v... And it woke up. (they were rated for like 30v+ so)
  5. Replies

    MKS Sbase 1.3. Endstops "allways on"

    Tevo Black Widow keeps eating 8bit boards. Upgrading to 32 for more speeeeed.

    Everything went fine UNTIL i got to the endstops. They remain in "triggered" -state. Pins are correct, triple-checked....
  6. The spring goes in that spiral indeed. The turns...

    The spring goes in that spiral indeed. The turns are biiiiiit wider then the straights to reduce spring-friction. That is one thing im after here, does the spring jam in the corners...

    Good news....
  7. Translucent / see-thru printing, is there an afforfable option out there?


    This is my 3D model. Not a very complicated and i get SLS prints for about 30 bucks and thats nice.

    There seems to be a flaw in my design and i need to print it in some form of...
  8. If slow means better quality, then i can wait,...

    If slow means better quality, then i can wait, days if i must. I have so far only few "print ready" models. I can also place it in a safe place where it can work day and night.

    Ive seen quite a...
  9. The black widow seems fairly interesting. Correct...

    The black widow seems fairly interesting. Correct me if im wrong but its 50 microns?
    From the videos i think i can assemble that... Well, give me a big-block V8 and all the parts, i can do that so...
  10. High accuracy, large build area, for 500 bucks range. Exist?

    "It is time..."

    Time to finaly get myself a printer.

    Speed, irrelevant. Noise, irrelevant.

    What i need is a large build area, or "as large as possible" and high accuracy.

    Plannin to...
  11. Can current sofwares make supports automaticly?...

    Can current sofwares make supports automaticly? That would solve most of my issues. Im a "self thought" SolidWorks user so im lacking in the very basics of things but ive still managed to do quite a...
  12. I was worried the resin might be brittle. Ive...

    I was worried the resin might be brittle. Ive seen some external gun parts made of some cheapo resin and you could literaly snap them in half by hand...

    These items SHOULD last the rigors of a...
  13. Looks like the Muve3d is the winner here. ...

    Looks like the Muve3d is the winner here.

    Seems affordable. My prints might take quite a lot of juice but that quality looks perfect and could also last some use.

    Im makin airsoft-parts of...
  14. As i mentioned, i havent decided on a budjet. If...

    As i mentioned, i havent decided on a budjet. If i have to throw out something. "few grand" but for that it has to be VERY good and cheap to run. Certainly dont mind if it were sub 1000 but im being...
  15. Injection MOLDS via 3D printing, viable VS cnc-work?

    Im planning to put my hobby-project into production. I've made the 3D models and they have been modified to work with molds.

    I was expecting "few thousand" euros but got offers no below 10,000€...
  16. Paper sounds like not very water-friendly. Even...

    Paper sounds like not very water-friendly. Even the prototypes will be taken outside and sometimes get wet.

    Im starting to warm up to this liquid-resin-thing. How expensive is it to run in...
  17. I take it powder-based machines are all the same?...

    I take it powder-based machines are all the same? I got an old sand-blast box i could use to clean up powder but working with liquids... I'd prefer not.
  18. Accurate 3D printer without support material - Any for home use?

    When production time is not and issue but i want as accurate as possible sharp round surfaces and without using support-material, the only thing that comes to mind is SLS. Are there other types that...
  19. Replies

    Even in this poop-hole of a country and this...

    Even in this poop-hole of a country and this middle-of-nowhere town ive found THREE printing firms. However. One believes its the only one in the world and charging like it. Mere 198 euros for...
  20. Replies

    Cheapest 3D printing service

    Looking to make few prototypes, got 3D models ready and material nor accuracy is not an issue so what service is the cheapest?

    40mm wide and tall. 115mm long. How much would a simple "block" like...
Results 1 to 20 of 23