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Type: Posts; User: rudschul

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  1. Replies

    Hi, do not tight strong the reflector. I have...

    do not tight strong the reflector. I have tighten the reflector as strong as it it possible to change adjutment with knocking against them. The right position you can only see when the lamps are...
  2. Replies

    One additional point: Try to print the...

    One additional point: Try to print the calibration sqare in the middle of the printing area. If it works, you are on the right way.
  3. Replies

    The temperatur window is very small i think. ...

    The temperatur window is very small i think.

    Try with following settings and important good refreshed powder:

    Chamber temperature : 145
    Surface temperature : 171, 7
    Speed 550

    One other...
  4. Replies

    Nice to hear :-)

    Nice to hear :-)
  5. I am still fighting with the right temperatur. I...

    I am still fighting with the right temperatur. I tryed to print 2 Fischertechnik bricks with a lenght of 9cm. With the temperatur setting of the fan duct i got warping.
    The folliwing values were...
  6. A thermal camera will be useful. But i have no...

    A thermal camera will be useful. But i have no one....and they are expensive to rent.

    Here best print it is 10.5 cm long, but not so high. Pinter with 149,5 171,5 and speed 550. The small side...
  7. Yes you are right, the uneven temperatures are a...

    Yes you are right, the uneven temperatures are a big problem. Front of the door seems to be the coldest position. And the right side is the next coldest postion. Then the left side and at last the...
  8. Thank you for your effort. The print look very...

    Thank you for your effort. The print look very good. Yesterday i tried to print it again with significant higher powder surface temperature (174). And yes the print was ok, too. In the past the print...
  9. Thank you for your advice. But for me it is most...

    Thank you for your advice. But for me it is most imported to know you do it. Perhaps you can share all of your printing parameter and the position where you print it.
  10. Yes i am searching for better endstops. But it is...

    Yes i am searching for better endstops. But it is not so easy. I have contacted the distributor who sell them to Sintratec. It is a German Company and it is easer to get new one directly. The problem...
  11. Ok i will raise the temperatur a little bit more...

    Ok i will raise the temperatur a little bit more and try again....

    The enstopper will not work because some powder or polymere get into the endstop and work like an isolator.
    Do you see a little...
  12. In conclusion you think it was a good idea to...

    In conclusion you think it was a good idea to lower the temperature or to raise the speed?

    I agree to your scaling issues. I have the same problem, but it is not so importent for my to solve it....
  13. I tried you proposal. Yes it make a diference of...

    I tried you proposal. Yes it make a diference of the packing dense. Do you have sometimes warping issues which cause the print will destroyed? I print with following parameter:

    Chamber temperature...
  14. Replies

    Hi Mike, the reason why i do not have any...

    Hi Mike,
    the reason why i do not have any support any more is very simple.
    1. I bought the printer second hand and they will not give any support for these people. This was a new decision of the...
  15. Replies

    They make it true. I have no access to the...

    They make it true. I have no access to the support Ticket-system any more. Now i am not able to report bugs or ask questtions to the support. It is a very interesting behavior of the company.
  16. ok very interesting. I will try.

    ok very interesting. I will try.
  17. Yes, you are completly right. You are able to...

    Yes, you are completly right. You are able to see, that you will need more and more powder. As Sintratec told me i am able to see that sintered area is brighter than the not sintered area after a new...
  18. Printing issues - missing powder with large ojects

    In general my printer works fine. Right know i have a problem with printing large objects. I want to print an area of 10cm * 10 cm. It is not possible to rotate the object. The first 3 layer are...
  19. Replies

    Hi Mike, nice to hear that you are very pleased...

    Hi Mike, nice to hear that you are very pleased with you printer. Hey, i was lucky that i am able to visit the company. But it was a stony way to reach this printing results i get now

    Do you have...
  20. Replies

    After this post the situation has changed a...

    After this post the situation has changed a little bit.
    Sintratec has invited me to come to Brugg and helps finding the problem. I accepted the invitation.
    It was a nice day at Brugg. It was very...
  21. Replies

    Was Sintratec a good choise to buy?

    I am not sure anymore.

    Yesterday i got an unhappy mail that Sintratec will not support me anymore, because i bought the printer second hand.
    They give me the choise to pay for the support 150CHF...
  22. Replies

    When you prepare the print with the software the...

    When you prepare the print with the software the lights will go on. Use the key to shut down the laser and open the door. I think than will see it and you can play with the position
  23. Replies

    yes this is important: The frontal light shade...

    yes this is important:

    The frontal light shade has to be adjusted correctly. the shade of has to be aligned exactly to the backside.

    You remember the L-Peaces near the lamps. The L-Peace of the...
  24. Replies

    i think the most importent thing is that you have...

    i think the most importent thing is that you have an object that you could measure. Try to get first a nearly good print and than try to adjust the x,y,z. With the grid have an orientation. Try the...
  25. Replies

    140 C for the chamber is definitive to less. The...

    140 C for the chamber is definitive to less. The shrinking of plastic happen at a specific temperature. The chamber temperature has to be highter than this temperature. With every layer you cool down...
Results 1 to 25 of 41
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