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Type: Posts; User: err404

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  1. Your mighty board may be missing the MOS-FET...

    Your mighty board may be missing the MOS-FET (PSMN7R0-30YL) for that connector. If so, you will need to solder one in to allow the fan control to work.
    Edit: Sorry, I missed that it is working for...
  2. Replies

    Don't waste you time. The cheapest and best...

    Don't waste you time. The cheapest and best supported solution is a raspberry pi running octoprint with m3d fio.
    You may be able to get this working under android, but it will cost more and be less...
  3. Replies

    The best you can do is set up a cheap machine...

    The best you can do is set up a cheap machine running octoprint and control the print via your iPad browser.
  4. Build plate scratch aside, I think that print...

    Build plate scratch aside, I think that print came out quite good for a test print at that speed. Especially considering that you have not dialed in extrusion multiplier or temps.
    One thing I...
  5. That photo looks like a CTC with the front...

    That photo looks like a CTC with the front stickers removed. You can almost see the logo behind the skull. In fact I have seen printers sold as CTC on eBay using that same photo.
    I got my CTC for...
  6. My knock-off CTC did exactly the same thing when...

    My knock-off CTC did exactly the same thing when I first got it. The issue was the distance between the heads was misconfigured. The decimal point was off, so the head offset was 350mm instead of...
  7. Replies

    Very good points. I've gotten a few test prints...

    Very good points. I've gotten a few test prints off so far. I'll just dial the temp to what works for this specific printer.
    I've also hear that adjusting the PID values may help.
  8. Replies

    Thanks. I actually was able to get a print off...

    Thanks. I actually was able to get a print off shortly after I posted. I used the manual controls in S3D to get it as hot as I could and then rolled the extruder motor forward to load it. My worry...
  9. Replies

    Extruder not reaching operating temp

    I am unable to load filament into my new CTC 3D Printer. The extruders will not reach the 230 C required for the load procedure. Looking at the control panel in ReplicatorG, they will not heat beyond...
  10. I wish I knew for sure. CTC has not commented,...

    I wish I knew for sure. CTC has not commented, other than to offer a main board replacement as a fix. Maybe they are just being extremely generous and taking action to correct a scam. It just seems...
  11. Replies

    I have a few ideas as to what may be happening....

    I have a few ideas as to what may be happening. First is build plate calibration. Try raising the height of the extruded slightly. It's a difficult balance to get a stable first layer that is not to...
  12. Thanks for the feed back, but refer to the first...

    Thanks for the feed back, but refer to the first post on this thread. There are models of the CTC printer that include a DRM lock that requires the filament be purchased through CTC only.
  13. Are they still making printers with this, or was...

    Are they still making printers with this, or was this a failed experiment? I am looking to buy a CTC, but the possibility of getting a UBS+ version has me worried. Is there any way to be guaranteed...
  14. Thread: M3D Printer

    by err404

    This issue sounds like the ceramic heating...

    This issue sounds like the ceramic heating element is not making good contact with the hot end of the extruder shaft. As a result the hot end is actually colder than is being reported. It has either...
Results 1 to 14 of 14