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Type: Posts; User: FFowner

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  1. Replies

    Plating in Chromium - What's the method?

    Can someone tell me the method for plating a PLA printed object in chromium? I know it can be done, but I can't seem to figure out the steps need. Is there a precoat of some sort that is required? ...
  2. Replies

    I agree with Mystery. I haven't tried it, but...

    I agree with Mystery. I haven't tried it, but this would seem like a possible issue. Other issue is if you don't push it in far enough. Wouldn't the printer print without filament if there is a...
  3. LOL, that's great. does anyone know if he showed...

    LOL, that's great. does anyone know if he showed off the 3D printed version on TV?
  4. Replies

    Zen Toolworks Wood Filament? Any good?

    Has anyone had any experience using the Zen Toolworks Wood 3d printer filament? I really want to try and print some stuff with wood on my flashforge. Do you know if it will work. They have a...
  5. I just use black painter's tape for PLA. ...

    I just use black painter's tape for PLA. Sometimes if I print with Nylon I will put a coating of Elmers No-run glue on top of the tape. Seems to work the best for me, but I must admit that I...
  6. Replies

    My Flashforge printer is getting louder

    I've had my printer for a few months now and it seems as though it is getting louder and louder each week. It is mostly from vibrations. My prints come out perfectly fine and I love the printer. ...
Results 1 to 6 of 6