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Type: Posts; User: RHg

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  1. rough top layer with marks and bulges Bambu Lab P1S

    hi, all of the sudden I am having problems with the top layer of my prints, I do a lot of coasters and plaques, now the top layers are coming like the photos show, rough, with a lot of bulge and...
  2. top surface / layer bad quality Bambu Lab P1S printer

    hi, my top surfaces went from printing almost perfect like the green circle shows on the below photo to printing rough and scratched top surfaces like the 2 black circles are showing, its only the...
  3. Replies

    New start on 3D printing

    hi, I was thinking to start 3D printing to add another niche to my business, but I would like to know how cost effective is 3D printing to sell items on eBay, items suck as phone holders, laptop...
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