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  1. There is no such thing as FDA "approval" for a...

    There is no such thing as FDA "approval" for a material per se', however medical devices can be cleared for marketing through the 510(k) process for class II devices and with clinical trials for...
  2. We don't use S3D, but can definitely report that...

    We don't use S3D, but can definitely report that the Replicator Plus is vastly improved over the 5th Gen. We've only had one filament jam that was serious enough that we had to take the extruder...
  3. We have been selling and using the 3D Systems...

    We have been selling and using the 3D Systems Sense scanner ever since it came out in late 2013. I have never heard of 3D Print manual, and have no idea where they got their misinformation. First...
  4. Yes the hammer would be fun but wouldn't get the...

    Yes the hammer would be fun but wouldn't get the bed level.

    Simple fix we figured out:

    Ignore the assisted leveling, it doesn't work worth a darn because the smart extruder uses a hall effect...
  5. Quick update - we finally sold that 5th gen, it...

    Quick update - we finally sold that 5th gen, it went for $1,400. Amazingly, less than 2 weeks after selling it, we get ANOTHER customer who wants us to sell his 5th Gen (and digitizer) on consignment.
  6. Not good news if you happen to be a Makerbot...

    Not good news if you happen to be a Makerbot retailer like us who now has an 800 pound gorilla to compete with.
  7. Our Stratasys reseller keeps wanting us to...

    Our Stratasys reseller keeps wanting us to upgrade to a Mojo or U-Print, and I keep asking for a demo (test drive) and they just say "trust us, they're so much better". Well, in my experience every...
  8. I did not know there were many other printers in...

    I did not know there were many other printers in the Z18's $6,500 price bracket? I think the Stratasys Mojo is the only other one that comes to mind right off the bat at around $6k. The Fusion 3D is...
  9. Thank you for the kind words pa9k :) True,...

    Thank you for the kind words pa9k :)

    True, they added that feature with one of the firmware updates.

    Oh, we found it all right, but could never get it to work. That was a couple updates...
  10. We installed on 4/3/15. We are using...

    We installed on 4/3/15. We are using Makerbot for Desktop, installed that same day. I wrote about the faster homing in post #115 above :rolleyes:
  11. We're still having issues with the extruder...

    We're still having issues with the extruder finding proper Z home consistently (this is the 3rd smart extruder, November 2014 vintage), but yeah, firmware 1.6 has some tangible improvements, both in...
  12. Since when is re-stating the obvious trolling? I...

    Since when is re-stating the obvious trolling? I sure hope this new guy helps their engineering department learn how to design good products. The so-called smart extruder is an engineering disaster,...
  13. Well, today we downloaded and installed firmware...

    Well, today we downloaded and installed firmware, and (while I hate to introduce more than one variable at a time) Makerbot for desktop We are on our 4th (albeit small) build in a...
  14. Lovely. Our channel sales folks at Makerbot are...

    Lovely. Our channel sales folks at Makerbot are saying we aren't selling enough so what do they do? They want us to compete with Sam's Club? You gotta be kidding me.
  15. Hi Rolf, We were all excited to get the...

    Hi Rolf,

    We were all excited to get the Hexagon toolhead for out TAZs (we have a 3 and a 4 in the store), but then we found out about having to reflash it for the hexagon thermistor values, PID...
  16. Replies

    We had a similar experience with a customer's 2X....

    We had a similar experience with a customer's 2X. We noticed that the firmware was Rev. 1.5, and that the current Rev. is 1.6, so we went to update the firmware. The very instant we started, the LCD...
  17. Sorry it has been so long since I've been able to...

    Sorry it has been so long since I've been able to revisit this thread. I swear, this is the ONLY vBullten forum (out of more than a dozen) that I belong to that won't shoot me an email when somebody...
  18. We can't find where you can set Z-home manually....

    We can't find where you can set Z-home manually. Plus we just got done clearing one extruder jam and then it jammed again. Grrrr.
  19. Unfortunately I have to agree with what others...

    Unfortunately I have to agree with what others have said here about the 5th Gen. Read my review and head to head comparison with their earlier gen (and outstanding machine) the Rep 2 here:
  20. Replies

    Wpilgrim is most likely correct. Since Rep 2s...

    Wpilgrim is most likely correct. Since Rep 2s already have an awesome fan that blows like crazy right onto the build, it's just a matter of making some prime pillars in the same build. We make...
  21. Replies

    Thanks, that's a good idea. I saw that Le Fab...

    Thanks, that's a good idea. I saw that Le Fab Shop in France carries them so I emailed them and asked what they thought.
  22. Looks like Makerbot for Desktop 3.4 along with...

    Looks like Makerbot for Desktop 3.4 along with firmware 1.5 should fix a number of these problems. From the Makerbot web site:

    I am particularly impressed that we can now (supposedly) set...
  23. Replies

    Thanks for posting. What specific problems have...

    Thanks for posting. What specific problems have you had? Can you describe their software? One of the things I wasn't too cranked up about is that you (1) have to use their software and (2) have to...
  24. Replies

    Zortrax - Anybody Have One?

    Zortax has contacted us about becoming resellers for them. Now that we've got a good bit of experience with prosumer grade machines, we've learned that there are some pretty nice units out there and...
  25. The latest twist to the software saga happened...

    The latest twist to the software saga happened last week. On Friday, I had a customer come in who needed an object scanned on the Makerbot Digitizer. After an embarrassing half hour or so of not...
Results 1 to 25 of 159
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