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Type: Posts; User: JasmineJasmine

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  1. I like how looks your result

    I like how looks your result
  2. Very printable but size may be a limitation for...

    Very printable but size may be a limitation for many popular machines. As mentioned a more basic material such as PLA, ABS or PETG may be usable. When you get into more exotic materials you add...
  3. All very good tips on manufacturing and...

    All very good tips on manufacturing and prototyping your physical product.
    I find these days, the step of 3D printing a prototype is almost a must – simply the best way to get your concept into your...
  4. My printer is not working .i also facing these...

    My printer is not working .i also facing these kind of issues. i find an online directory sites. where i get most of the companies contact number. go for it and solve problems: visit contactforhelp :D
  5. The technology is still in primary phase with...

    The technology is still in primary phase with high expectation in future. 3D printers are already available on the market but the list with objects taht can be built with these is still very low.
  6. Replies

    I adjust the print on screen for exposure, color,...

    I adjust the print on screen for exposure, color, contrast, whatever, then when I like what I see, I print it. Most of the time, I’m disappointed. I’m always playing a guessing game with what to...
  7. Replies

    I remember reading illuminati talking about how...

    I remember reading illuminati talking about how he uses a wet paper towel to dissolve the glue a bit and then lets it all dry up. I don't know if this would help your specific adherence problem; what...
Results 1 to 7 of 7