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Type: Posts; User: DBFIU

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  1. Anyone with experience building a 3 foot machine?

    I am about to pull the trigger on building a large machine, I need to know if anyone has experience with any caveats (the physics) of a machine this size. Is droop a problem due to the span of the...
  2. Replies

    lol ok I am way ahead of you. I just finished...

    lol ok I am way ahead of you.

    I just finished soldering in a BEC from one of my RC monster trucks (they use massive servos that pull 2-3 amps) and this BEC is now powering the ABL servo. Works...
  3. Replies

    ABL servo robbing power, resetting ramps?

    Hey Roxy, I recently encountered a problem with one of my machines.

    During a print, the servo would move, one print it actually extended and smashed into the printed part and damaged the servo...
  4. Replies

    Anyone use actuator packages from SMW 3D?

    Hey guys, do any of you have experience using these packages??

    Is it a good idea to use lead screws for the X, Y and Z axes?

    I would like to use them, what are your experiences?
  5. I also very readily hit high precision (I can hit...

    I also very readily hit high precision (I can hit 0.15mm first layers once the machine is calibrated). The micro switch/servo method is not bad by any means. I just wanted to know, if a 6 dollar part...
  6. Replies

    That yoda looks amazing... How did he pull that...

    That yoda looks amazing... How did he pull that off? Is there DIY on THAT level of quality of bath?
  7. Hi Roxy, I am the wrong person to ask about the...

    Hi Roxy, I am the wrong person to ask about the output response and internal circuitry diagram. But I do remember seeing people use this probe, with ramps + arduino machines and it literally was plug...
  8. Switching from servo/microswitch ABL to prox probe, need help


    I use a servo and microswitch on my machines and they work well. Pretty reliable. Although there are times that they do require some z offset adjustments. I print thousands of parts a...
  9. I cant quite find a file that is 0.5mm in...

    I cant quite find a file that is 0.5mm in diameter. There are dental files I see on google but nothing about specific diameter or diameter tolerance. Maybe the keywords im using are wrong. Do you...
  10. I tried, the nozzles are different by such a...

    I tried, the nozzles are different by such a small amount that I can visually tell the difference. I get a 5 pack of 0.5mm nozzles from china and some of them overextrude badly. I need to get 0.4mm...
  11. How to adjust flow rate in firmware due to small nozzle diameter variations


    I have machines that are all pretty much set up the same. I need to be able to program in the firmware, the flow rate of each machine due to the small differences in the nozzle...
  12. Thread: Luminous red

    by DBFIU

    Luminous red

    Having a hard time finding this stuff, everytime I get it from a different supplier the stuff comes pink. Looking for red filament that looks red, and glows red, not looks pink and glows red. I tried...
  13. Anyone know a good source of real green ABS filament?

    I buy lots of filament from microcenter. The colors are all pretty standard except green.

    The green Inland brand is more like a dark doodoo green, not a bright green. I have searched different...
  14. Replies

    Sticky: Cool machine kyo. what were you using for anti...

    Cool machine kyo. what were you using for anti backlash on the rods?
  15. Replies

    Sharp razor scraper, work it around the edges.

    Sharp razor scraper, work it around the edges.
  16. Get a metal SLS printer so that you have a ready...

    Get a metal SLS printer so that you have a ready engine on the first manufacturing process!! 3D print to replace all processes!! The time is NOW!
  17. Replies

    Thanks for the info guys.

    Thanks for the info guys.
  18. Replies

    Anyone print in a garage?

    I live in south florida where it is hot and humid year round. I am running out of space where I print and I might need to move my printers into a bay type garage. It is not air conditioned and it is...
  19. That would be assuming the current/torque...

    That would be assuming the current/torque relationship is linear, and if you interpolated it linearly then yes I see what you mean. But what if the curve is not straight?

    Maybe I am overthinking...
  20. I wasnt planning on buy something like that. ...

    I wasnt planning on buy something like that.

    These guys will be my supplier, they seem pretty popular.

    I will also be using for a lot of parts and...
  21. Awesome. I was actually going to use the extra...

    Awesome. I was actually going to use the extra long NEMA 17s, but the SMW3D actuator package that I linked above, already comes with 23s. I will keep my eye on current though and adjust accordingly...
  22. I will be using the SMW3D linear rail system. I...

    I will be using the SMW3D linear rail system. I havent really heard of these guys. But designing my own rail system will take longer, these guys seem to have a solution at the right price.

  23. Thanks for your experience ZorAxe. I think I may...

    Thanks for your experience ZorAxe. I think I may just go with the long style 17s. Even though I am a little worried. Remember that bed is going to be 4 square feet of aluminum mounted on some type of...
  24. Thanks mjolnir. The configuration is X head, Y...

    Thanks mjolnir. The configuration is X head, Y table, Z head. Just like what you describe first. Thats how my firmware is set up currently.

    I will probably go with a NEMA 17 first, and design the...
  25. Building a new machine, from scratch, 24"x24" design goal

    Hey everyone. I feel that I am ready to take on this project. I am not doing it for fun, I am doing it because the 9"x9" build volume is not cutting it for me anymore. I have a small company that...
Results 1 to 25 of 306
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