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Type: Posts; User: roykirk

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  1. The rest of the print looks fine to the eye,...

    The rest of the print looks fine to the eye, that's what's weird to me. I will say that around any straight edges on the top layers of the print, there will often be sections where the filament...
  2. One printer is suddenly having problems with top layers/bridging

    I have four of the exact same printer model (Flash Forge Creator Pro), all using the same brand/color of PLA and all printing from the same batch of models. Recently one of the printers has...
  3. Replies

    Sourcing a metal x-axis idler pulley

    (deleted) - Found a source for the part
  4. scalloped edges on square and rectangular prints

    I currently run 4 Flashforge Creator printers. Two are of the older wood case variety and two are the newer metal case types. The two older ones are developing problems with scalloped edges when...
  5. Replies

    Issue completely solved now. I've already...

    Issue completely solved now. I've already initiated a return on this piece of junk. Wifi won't transmit, SD card won't work 80% of the time, and when it does it tries to start printing immediately...
  6. Replies

    Update: Well, 24 hours of owning the Dreamer and...

    Update: Well, 24 hours of owning the Dreamer and can't get it to do a thing. Maybe I should have just bought another Creator. :( Checked to ensure the SD card is formatted in FAT properly. All...
  7. Replies

    Dreamer SD card issues

    Sorry if this has been covered before, but I'm too frustrated to do a search. I have three FF Creators and have recently purchased a new FF Dreamer. I copied the SD card from my old FF Creators to...
  8. Replies

    I'm guessing I must have caused myself a fairly...

    I'm guessing I must have caused myself a fairly uncommon problem? I played around the "offset" settings in the printer last night and none of them seem to do anything to adjust the starting point of...
  9. Replies

    re-homing Y axis

    I've been running three FF Creators for several years now, but yesterday I caused a problem for the first time that I'm not certain how to fix. I was doing some routine work on one of my creators...
  10. Replies

    Thanks, Sebastian. It's fascinating to think of...

    Thanks, Sebastian. It's fascinating to think of some of the other design "doors" that will be opened by jumping in to CNC. It's a little intimidating to think, however, that most of the CNC...
  11. Replies

    Thanks for the additional advice, GammaRays. ...

    Thanks for the additional advice, GammaRays. It's helpful to be able to wrap my brain around how the machines work! Those xcarve machines look awesome, and I'm thinking I might just return the one...
  12. Replies

    Will do. Thanks for the advice!

    Will do. Thanks for the advice!
  13. Replies

    Anyone also using CNC?

    Longtime FF user myself using Sketchup for design and Simplify3D for slicing and gcode generation. I finally took the plunge and placed an order for a CNC router to enable me to make some things the...
  14. Gouging by Flash Forge among things I don't want for Christmas

    I just received a parts order from FF yesterday, and I just can't help but go on a bit of a rant. Maybe one of those eggheads will read this and finally do something about this sort of crap. But...
  15. Sebastian - You had it nailed! The problem was...

    Sebastian - You had it nailed! The problem was with some wires. They weren't rubbed through or anything, but part of the wiring harness was catching on a bolt, and this was putting just enough...
  16. Here's a short video clip I've uploaded that...

    Here's a short video clip I've uploaded that shows the problem a bit better:
  17. It's a FF Creator Dual Head. Purchased about 3...

    It's a FF Creator Dual Head. Purchased about 3 years ago and it has nearly 4,000 hours on it. However, the entire dual print head (and all cables) were replaced about 6 months ago, so they should be...
  18. bizarre problem w/Creator. Suddenly won't print to certain area of the bed.

    One of my Creators (my oldest one) has developed a sudden and perplexing problem. When it gets anywhere near the left third of the print bed, the extruder starts "chattering" and it stops extruding...
  19. Replies

    Disregard. I figured it out. A screw that holds...

    Disregard. I figured it out. A screw that holds the extruder "rail" had fallen out and the entire thing had fallen out of alignment in that corner. Problem fixed!
  20. Replies

    Well, I tried the shimming and that didn't work...

    Well, I tried the shimming and that didn't work either. I didn't think it would.
  21. Replies

    Odd (and sudden) problem with bed leveling

    One of my three Creators developed a sudden onset of being nearly impossible to level properly. I've never had this problem before and I can't figure out what could be causing it. I use a glass bed...
  22. They're not charging to send it back to me as I...

    They're not charging to send it back to me as I understand it. But now we seem to be stymied on even sending it back. I decided to heed everyone's advice and just suck it up and pay to ship it back...
  23. I think the biggest issue I have is I don't feel...

    I think the biggest issue I have is I don't feel like I've had any warranty support whatsoever so far. I suppose if I send it in to them and get it back repaired at some point then I've received...
  24. annoying experience with FlashForge warranty issue

    Yesterday I had my first and last (because I'll never buy another FlashForge) experience with trying to get a warranty issue addressed with my Creator. I run a total of three Creators in my...
  25. Replies

    I seem to have figured it out on my own, although...

    I seem to have figured it out on my own, although it's more a workaround. Simplify3D has what is called "vase mode" which allows me to force a 0% infill. If I print the entire 3D head in this mode,...
Results 1 to 25 of 85
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