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Type: Posts; User: tlawrence84

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  1. Replies

    I found the solution to this in the end, turned...

    I found the solution to this in the end, turned out to be Heat Creep. Like a prat, I had installed the cooling fan duct upside down onto the heat sink, so the throat tube was getting hot higher up...
  2. You can buy a micro swiss all metal throat tube,...

    You can buy a micro swiss all metal throat tube, although to be honest i had less luck with that than with the PTFE tube. I found that the temps needed to be higher, but the whole thing was more...
  3. Replies

    I’m pretty sure I’ve got linear advance disabled,...

    I’m pretty sure I’ve got linear advance disabled, I was actually looking into how to enable it but with a job Ive needed to print this last week I haven’t been able to check my firmware. Some models...
  4. Replies

    That’s worth a shot, I did a marlin upgrade...

    That’s worth a shot, I did a marlin upgrade earlier this year and should have the firmware clean with the necessary changes for my printer, I’ll re-flash back to that and see if it helps. I can’t go...
  5. Replies

    It has worked previously with these settings...

    It has worked previously with these settings though, I'm not sure why this is happening. I thought it must be slicer settings so attempted a Cura "Standard Quality" print, and it came out identical....
  6. Replies

    I'll try again with 95 flow, I wonder if when i...

    I'll try again with 95 flow, I wonder if when i first tried this i set the initial flow to 95 instead of the normal flow. This could just be my esteps somehow getting out of whack, i don't know why...
  7. Replies

    I'm wondering if this is some kind of overlap or...

    I'm wondering if this is some kind of overlap or perimeter issue now, on the base of the benchy there is the

    Mine prints CT3 .xyz fine, but the D is smooth as if it filled in the letter,...
  8. Replies

    I have tried: 50mm/s print speed, infill at...

    I have tried:
    50mm/s print speed, infill at 50mm/s, wall speed 25mm/s

    and 60mm/s print speed, infill at 60mm/s, wall speed at 30mm/s

    both giving the same result.

    Other details are:
  9. Replies

    Hi, I am glad you are seeing better results. If...

    Hi, I am glad you are seeing better results. If it is glass you are printing on, one of the best tips I have come across is to clean the glass bed with washing up liquid prior to printing, and avoid...
  10. Hi, I have just replied to another thread with a...

    Hi, I have just replied to another thread with a similar comment, I had massive under extrusion issues that turned out to be a combination of improper cooling on the heather assembly, as well as a...
  11. Replies

    Hey, I had a similar issue with under extrusion,...

    Hey, I had a similar issue with under extrusion, and with very extensive trouble shooting, it turned out to be the extruders throat tube that was a bit iffy. I had upgraded to a E3D v6 hotend, I...
  12. Replies

    Just a quick piece of extra info, the blue is 3D...

    Just a quick piece of extra info, the blue is 3D Filaprint PLA+, the green is Esun PLA+, both sliced seperately, they have not been printed with the same gcode file. I have highlighted some examples...
  13. Replies

    Consistent print quality issues

    Hi, I'm wondering if you could help me with this print quality problem I am having. I have attached a picture of a benchy that has very rough outer edges (the base is a bit messy as that is an...
  14. Replies

    Thanks for the reply, the ptfe tube is brand new...

    Thanks for the reply, the ptfe tube is brand new as it was replaced with the hot end. I did replace the extruded gear and tensioning arm and that hasn’t made a difference.

    How would I check the z...
  15. Replies

    Uploading pictures


    Here are some pictures to show a more succesful print, the problem is usually more extreme than this
  16. Replies

    Random under extrusion

    Hey Guys,I'm experiencing random under extrusion on my CR-10s which then results in a blocked nozzle. When the block occurs, with the nozzle at 200c I can easily pull out the filament, and then feed...
  17. ok, so after a few glasses of gin and some more...

    ok, so after a few glasses of gin and some more checks on the printer, I took the heater assembly apart and it turns out that my PTFE tube is melted at the tip where the extruder is, and there is a...
  18. I’ve just swapped the stepper motor and attached...

    I’ve just swapped the stepper motor and attached cog with the working printer.

    My “dodgy” motor in the working printer prints perfect.
    My “dodgy” printer with other motor behaves the same.
  19. Does anyone have any advice please? I have...

    Does anyone have any advice please? I have attached an image below of what I am getting printed sometimes, this is when I actually manage to get filament out of the extruder.

    So far I have;
  20. Following the clean, it printed a model nicely,...

    Following the clean, it printed a model nicely, then when I started another, it laid down the first layer and stopped! I have no idea how to resolve this now
  21. So I followed Flashforge's video on cleaning the...

    So I followed Flashforge's video on cleaning the nozzle:

    It's printing at the moment, which is great news, but I don't think this is the fix to the...
  22. Flashforge Finder not extruding during print, fine during Load Filament - RESOLVED!

    Hi All, I've been using my Flashforge Finder for about 5 weeks now without any problems, however recently i changed the filament in the usual way and now it wont extrude PLA when printing. When I use...
Results 1 to 22 of 22