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Type: Posts; User: kanningphish

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  1. This bronzefill stuff is really awesome. I would...

    This bronzefill stuff is really awesome. I would really like to hold one of these prints. How much like real metal do they feel?
  2. My son has been trying to convince some of the...

    My son has been trying to convince some of the educators at his school to get a few MakerBot printers. He wants to use it for art class to print out designs he makes on CAD. However it's also great...
  3. Great article, and excellent insight by Alan. I...

    Great article, and excellent insight by Alan. I think that it will be the under armours and reeboks and nikes of the world that end up finding a way to 3D print clothing. It will then be other...
  4. 3D Printing to take over Xerox Machine Pranks

    Had to share because this was just way toooooooo funny
  5. Replies

    Borosilicate glass ?

    Does anyone know where I could get borosilicate glass at, at an affordable price? I've been searching and I really can't seem to find it anywhere. I need 6"x6" or 8"x8" if anyone can help.
  6. Help E-Nable get a Big 3D Printer to print prosthetic arms

    For those that want to make a difference, you can without spending a penny. Just 2 minutes of your time to vote for E-Nable to receive a 3D printer large enough to print out entire arms. Feel free...
  7. What are these and why are they being printed?

    OK, so for the past few days I've been seeing a million of these things being 3D printed and shown off around the web:...
  8. Printing an entire Cyborg Beast on a single build plate

    This is a view that Jeremy Simon posted on youtube, showing how to print an entire cyborg beast using a single build plate. This should save a lot of time when trying to create multiple prototypes....
  9. e-NABLE strikes again! I love these stories. ...

    e-NABLE strikes again! I love these stories. Keep them coming Eddie
  10. Pretty cool stuff. A lot of printers seems to...

    Pretty cool stuff. A lot of printers seems to have some issues printing in ninja flex and filaflex. I imagine that this add-on will also work for Filaflex.
  11. Replies

    Best material for high impact?

    I'm looking to print objects that would traditionally be produced with high impact plastics. What would be the best material to use for this? I have both an FDM and SLA printer at my disposal.
  12. Is this guy serious? Indiegogo Project to print a kidney?

    I was just on indiegogo a few moments ago and saw this project. Apparently it is a crowdfunding campaign to make a kidney printing 3d printer. What the hell? Wonder why no one backed it. The...
  13. Replies

    Thanks for sharing Geoff. I've heard a lot of...

    Thanks for sharing Geoff. I've heard a lot of people talk negatively about SLA but in all honesty, I think it will make FFF printing a thing of the past within a couple years.
  14. Possible to convert 2D Photo to 3D printable design?

    Has anyone had any success converting 2D photographs into cool 3D designs that are printable? I'm trying to figure out a way to do it, but can't seem to find a reliable method. I know there are...
  15. Quite amazing Hans. Do you plan on releasing the...

    Quite amazing Hans. Do you plan on releasing the files for this printer anytime soon?
  16. RepRap Firmware on MakerBot Replicator 2?

    Does anyone know if it is possible to use RepRap Firmware on a Replicator 2? If so, what steps would I take. I'm kinda having a hard time getting used to the Replicator I just received for my b-day...
  17. Replies

    And, how does the pricing of PET+ compare to ABS...

    And, how does the pricing of PET+ compare to ABS and PLA?
  18. Replies

    I wasn't even aware of PET+. What would you say...

    I wasn't even aware of PET+. What would you say is the best use for this stuff over PLA or ABS?
  19. Replies

    I'm pretty sure that Alibaba printer above isn't...

    I'm pretty sure that Alibaba printer above isn't a 3D printer. I'm not sure what it does, but if you look at it, it looks as though it is just a bunch of syringes that come down and drop some sort...
  20. Replies

    Best of luck. Wish I knew about this sooner, but...

    Best of luck. Wish I knew about this sooner, but I am relatively new to these forums. Can't wait to see what you guys have to offer!
  21. The 3D Printed Zombie Scene by Whiteclouds

    Some of the guys at Whiteclouds, 3d printed this extraordinary Zombie Scene. It was printed using a ProJet 660 and ProJet 3500. The main scene was printed in one piece on the 660, while the broken...
  22. Replies

    I am kinda interested, but I feel that it is a...

    I am kinda interested, but I feel that it is a big determining factor over how much I'd have to pay. Also what if the beta printers end up being crap? Do we get our money back?
  23. Anyone use Octoprint to watch your printer print in another room?

    Does anyone here use Octoprint to view your 3D printer from another room? Do you know if it is possible to stream the video live online? I'm thinking about downloading it as I really would like to...
  24. Replies

    Changing Filament Mid Stream?

    Is it possible to change filament midstream on the Micro 3d printer? This is a big thing for me when looking at fdm printers.
  25. Wow, so was this done based off a 2D photo, and...

    Wow, so was this done based off a 2D photo, and not through a 3D scan? If so, this is excellent work! How much would this cost if I were to have my wedding photo 3D printed by Cokreeate?
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