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Type: Posts; User: orthoomaha

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  1. Would like to share. Student forgets to wear...

    Would like to share. Student forgets to wear retainer, uses 3D printer to make his own braces. Too bad they dont mention the 3dprinted he used....
  2. Orthodontist Omaha Dental Lab Tests 3D Printing Advice

    Ive been operating a small dental lab for Dr. Brown of Orthodontist Omaha Ive purchased the Form 1 printer 3 years ago and had been successfully 3d printing CAD-designed dental restorations for...
  3. Hey Brian, can you suggest a 3d printer or do you...

    Hey Brian, can you suggest a 3d printer or do you know the 3d printer they used from the photo youve attached in that article? We would like to make our own orthodontic aligners. I would really...
  4. Replies

    We are actually looking into 3d printing teeth...

    We are actually looking into 3d printing teeth for our patients. What 3d printed was used for that image?
  5. Replies

    One advantage I think is that almost everyone,...

    One advantage I think is that almost everyone, even the non techy guy can do it with only the manuals or tutorials from the internet.
  6. Replies

    Definitely something Id consider. Thanks for...

    Definitely something Id consider. Thanks for sharing all the info.
Results 1 to 6 of 6