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Type: Posts; User: LoboCNC

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  1. Replies

    Here's a link to the Playing Card Shooter on...

    Here's a link to the Playing Card Shooter on Thingiverse:
  2. Sure, the Counterbot is not a product for...

    Sure, the Counterbot is not a product for everyone, but there are a lot of fastidious people out there with uncluttered countertops - probably the same ones who are also worried about germs on their...
  3. The Counterbot should work fine on any smooth...

    The Counterbot should work fine on any smooth countertop surface. It will also be designed to work with tile counters with thin grout lines. It will take more experimenting to see how well it will...
  4. I agree. The motors I used for this first...

    I agree. The motors I used for this first prototype move way faster than you'd really want. It should be barely crawling across the countertop. Which, of course, is why you want a robot doing this...
  5. Yeah, I grew up eating stuff off the floor (and...

    Yeah, I grew up eating stuff off the floor (and still occasionally do), so I can't say this is a product I'd use myself. However, for the germophobe, it is probably better than using toxic chemicals.
  6. I just posted 2 and 3 switch versions last night...

    I just posted 2 and 3 switch versions last night (I just added more STL files to the original thing). I made some snide comments about 4 switch plates, but I could be persuaded...
  7. Yes, you do have to keep chunks of filament out...

    Yes, you do have to keep chunks of filament out of the gears. In practice, I'm not that tidy and most of the time any debris gets pushed along the pinion rod and out of the way. Only once did I...
  8. It looks like New Matter has released a video...

    It looks like New Matter has released a video explaining their X-Y drive mechanism:

    This is the patent-pending technology they are talking about. ...
  9. Yes, I'm the same LoboCNC - thanks for the vote...

    Yes, I'm the same LoboCNC - thanks for the vote of confidence! One thing to be clear on is the distinction between a cantilevered bed that moves in Z (very difficult to do) and a cantilevered...
  10. There's a place at the top of the New Matter...

    There's a place at the top of the New Matter website to sign up to get notification of the crowdfunding launch.
  11. True enough - the Mod-T isn't particularly unique...

    True enough - the Mod-T isn't particularly unique because of which axes move the table and which move the extruder head. It's unique because the X-Y mechanism is incredibly minimal (see my early...
  12. No worries - I appreciate your skepticism. What...

    No worries - I appreciate your skepticism. What you can't really see in the rendering is another rod under the build table in the Y direction. These X & Y rods are not actually smooth but are...
  13. I hope you'll want to buy and use one. It's a...

    I hope you'll want to buy and use one. It's a very capable printer (ie, decent print speeds and good print quality) and they are aiming for really low pricing (they haven't settled on a final figure...
  14. Hi - I'm new to this forum. I've worked on the...

    Hi - I'm new to this forum. I've worked on the development of this printer, and I can assure you that the rendering is quite complete. Well, the filament spool is not shown, but the complete X-Y-Z...
Results 1 to 14 of 14