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Type: Posts; User: mitchfx

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  1. Replies

    Clay colored PLA - Push Plastic Earth Tones

    I'm only posting this here because I think others might like these new PLA colors that I helped Push Plastics create. I'm not getting any kind of commission, just really proud on how great the...
  2. Thanks for your reply. Your printer looks...

    Thanks for your reply. Your printer looks interesting and the speed sounds impressive. However the resolution of the prints isn't as high as the Cube (70 mirons) and the price is out of my budget. ...
  3. Anything FFF compare to the Cube in terms of resolution?

    After buying and returning the 3rd gen Cube I am now printing using a Dremel Idea Builder. The Cube was an absolute nightmare with more issues than I care to go over here, but the few times it did...
  4. Least Shiny / Most Matte PLA Filament Brands?

    I'm using a Dremel Idea Builder (rebranded Flashforge Dreamer) after trying and hating the Cube 3rd Gen. Although the Cube had countless issues and shortcomings, one of the things I really liked was...
Results 1 to 4 of 4