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Type: Posts; User: Amayaatp

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  1. In fact many machines can now print without...

    In fact many machines can now print without relying on support, even hollow printing, and I completed this project in just 8 hours with an Elyarchi 3D printer.
  2. Qatar is far away, but the 3D printer is next to me. I just printed a world cup lol.

    Which soccer team is your favorite?And which 3D printer do you like the most?
  3. 2022 is coming to an end, what new 3D printers to watch this year?

    As mentioned in the question, 2022 is coming to an end, and many new 3D printers have come out. Which are worth paying attention to?
  4. What brand are you using? I recently saw a...

    What brand are you using? I recently saw a machine that was advertised as being particularly exaggerated, supposedly capable of 500mm/s idle speed, have you heard of Elyarchi?
  5. dimensions, maximum temperature, type of...

    dimensions, maximum temperature, type of extrusion (direct or the other xd), and most important the price :DD
  6. Hello, Elyarchi is in the pre-promotion stage,...

    Hello, Elyarchi is in the pre-promotion stage, pre-sale time will be next month, if you are interested in this can consult with me~~
  7. Amabox FDM 3D Printing: The Best Choice of Figures Printing

    Nowadays, 3D printers are becoming popular in animation and gaming circles. Who wouldn't want their favorite anime character to be within eyeshot? However, the small size of the figures requires high...
  8. Replies

    Sticky: Elyarchi 3d printer

    Elyarchi 3d printer
Results 1 to 8 of 9