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Type: Posts; User: THRobinson

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  1. Replies

    M140 S60 ; Warm bed to 60C M190 S60 ; Wait until...

    M140 S60 ; Warm bed to 60C
    M190 S60 ; Wait until bed is warm
    G28 ; Home all axes
    G29 ; Auto Bed Level
  2. Replies

    Ender3v2 CRTouch - Not Auto Levelling

    Just installed the CRTouch onto my Ender3v2, and updated the board/lcd with the latest MRISCOC firmware that most people recommended.CRTouch works fine. I can home with it, got the z-offset done,...
  3. It's a weird mix of reviews on that Ender 3...

    It's a weird mix of reviews on that Ender 3 Pro... good price and a tonne of great reviews and helpful videos... found a lot more vids on the Ender than Sapphire...


    Then you get to a...
  4. Shoulda mentioned, $300 Canadian. :D Though I...

    Shoulda mentioned, $300 Canadian. :D

    Though I see a Sapphire Pro on Banggood for around $390 on sale. Looks like around 9"x9"x9" print which is probably more than enough.

    Any thoughts on that...
  5. Sorry it's all 1 block of text... even hitting...

    Sorry it's all 1 block of text... even hitting enter 2x between paragraphs reverted back to a single clump of text when saved. Weird.
  6. Filament that Lasts Long and can be Polished

    Hey guys, just joined the site... I don't have a 3D printer yet, but am researching now so come December when they start going on sale I can grab one.I'm looking at something in the price range of...
  7. I'm in the same boat... no printer yet, doing my...

    I'm in the same boat... no printer yet, doing my research and it's tricky to know what info is good and which is bad. Someone might say the Ender is junk and not worth the price, but you never know...
Results 1 to 7 of 7