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Type: Posts; User: AlexanderHenry

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  1. Yes, I did get a 3D scanner. I bought Anycubic...

    Yes, I did get a 3D scanner. I bought Anycubic Mono X 3D scanner. I scanned a few things and they all turned out great. If you are planning to buy a 3D scanner, I recommend this one. It is pretty...
  2. Replies

    Prusa i3 is the cheapest 3D printer, but the...

    Prusa i3 is the cheapest 3D printer, but the prints aren’t perfect (you can use it for simple things). If you want accuracy, you can try Ultimaker. If you want to print with ABS – you should choose...
  3. The problem with Qidi XC-Pro is not the extruder,...

    The problem with Qidi XC-Pro is not the extruder, but the nozzle. The extruder is designed for printing ABS, PLA, nylon and other generic filaments, but not ASA. The ASA requires a nozzle with a...
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