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  1. Does anyone know the kind of thermisistor a makerbot replicator 2 uses?

    All input helps
  2. Believe we have found the issue its called "heat...

    Believe we have found the issue its called "heat creep" look that up for more information on it and thanks for everyone's input
  3. thats what i though too but doesnt seem that way

    thats what i though too but doesnt seem that way
  4. Just a little update apparently issues arise from...

    Just a little update apparently issues arise from cleaning out clogs with a wire or metal rod, you know when you jam like a wire throw the tube to unblock it, so were getting a new thermal barrier...
  5. Same issue i have another thread im talking about...

    Same issue i have another thread im talking about it on ive narrowed it down tho definitely not a...
  6. Well get back to me if that works out because...

    Well get back to me if that works out because that doesn't quite seem to work for me.
  7. Yah ive checked and cleaned it several times and...

    Yah ive checked and cleaned it several times and we even had another motor and switched it out still the same I don't like these MK6 heads because the old ones you could adjust the plunger (tension...
  8. The Filament we use is from Gizmo Dorks,...

    The Filament we use is from Gizmo Dorks, Prototype Supply, Makerbot, Deltamaker, its all PLA and are filament is off to the side so no preheat action is happening and it seems to roll fine and it all...
  9. Makerbot Replicator 2 cant print for some odd reason

    So ive been working on this printer for over a year and ive ran into yet another problem and this one i cant quite rap my head around how to fix it. So this is what its doing is either between prints...
  10. Ok thanks alot though been alot of help

    Ok thanks alot though been alot of help
  11. Replies

    have you checked threw the slicing profile...

    have you checked threw the slicing profile setting i know theirs alot of options their other then that you can just spot it and click pause when you need too
  12. what kind of things are you trying to print...

    what kind of things are you trying to print because ive had that issue because the slicing is to complicated for the makerbot software have you tried any other programs?
  13. we print with PLA the extruder temp has been...

    we print with PLA the extruder temp has been weird as well lately because its set on 230 automatically but its been at 209/230 so then ive been raising the temp to 250 but what it will do is preheat...
  14. and i don't have an issue with my first layer any...

    and i don't have an issue with my first layer any more a quick tip is use Elmer glue sticks easy to apply and clean with little to no issues
  15. OK thanks for the reference ill have to go...

    OK thanks for the reference ill have to go through that at another time when i don't have an econ final to study for but one last thing im not understanding is if it is an issue with the json file...
  16. I've re-calibrated it several times and have re...

    I've re-calibrated it several times and have re leveled the build plate constantly as well but editing the json file were not so good at what will those setting adjust exactly? well i mean in a...
  17. So this an example of what it is doing but it...

    So this an example of what it is doing but it didn't get far into print before it was cancelled. Usually it will continue this or it will go onto another layer and print correctly. From what it seems...
  18. Can any one help? Makerbot replicator 2 issues

    2nd year CAD student and this darn makerbot replicator 2 printer is just a thorn in my side most issues include it refusing to extrude correctly printing my object in a web like mess and its not...
Results 1 to 18 of 18