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Type: Posts; User: jamesinvents

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  1. Replies

    If you know the law, you don't need to be afraid...

    If you know the law, you don't need to be afraid of this. An enabling disclosure of a design idea on a public Internet forum will not only prevent others, effective immediately from the time the post...
  2. Thanks very much for the input and encouragement....

    Thanks very much for the input and encouragement. If I can ask another question, do you think the FlashForge is a good printer for the price? Also, per what you've written, is the turn around really...
  3. flashforge for high-tensile strength parts

    Hi All,

    Long story short, I have just been given a nice chunk of change to play with by a generous investor. As an avid hobbyist spearfisherman, one of my long time dreams has been to make...
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