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Type: Posts; User: wackyvorlon

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  1. Where do you get your filament from?

    Where do you get your filament from?
  2. Try moving the machine. There is a possibility of...

    Try moving the machine. There is a possibility of a draft.
  3. My experience with an older solidoodle has not...

    My experience with an older solidoodle has not been positive. Whether that translates to the 4, I cannot say.
  4. Replies

    In general, features close to the size of your...

    In general, features close to the size of your nozzle are approaching the limits of the machine's resolution. An SLA printer like the Form 1 can do much higher resolution prints, however the resin is...
  5. That EZ3D doesn't look very sturdy. I don't know...

    That EZ3D doesn't look very sturdy. I don't know man. I've found I can only recommend printers I've actually worked with, and I haven't seen that one before.
  6. They do output particulate matter, but I think as...

    They do output particulate matter, but I think as long as you have good ventilation it isn't a big issue.
  7. Replies

    I've had very good experiences with the lulzbot,...

    I've had very good experiences with the lulzbot, and the TAZ 4 is very well built.
  8. Replies

    I'd be inclined to direct you to a Prusa i3 kit...

    I'd be inclined to direct you to a Prusa i3 kit at that price.
  9. Replies

    Then the display on the front panel has been...

    Then the display on the front panel has been lying to me...

    I can double check next time I'm in the lab, but I'm pretty sure it's 230.
  10. Replies

    That looks like a slightly bent leadscrew. As the...

    That looks like a slightly bent leadscrew. As the screw rotates, it causes the table to wobble. I'll wager the pattern of bumps lines up well with the threads.
  11. Off hand, the only machine I know with that kind...

    Off hand, the only machine I know with that kind of print volume is a lulzbot. Mind, something that big will take a long time to print. You will need to use a pretty high infill to get the durability...
  12. Personally, I'm a big fan of lulzbot. The TAZ 4...

    Personally, I'm a big fan of lulzbot. The TAZ 4 is very nicely built. I've found reliably printing with layer heights below 0.2mm is very difficult, if the ABS isn't being fed fast enough the...
  13. They haven't run g-code for quite some time.

    They haven't run g-code for quite some time.
  14. I've seen screwy temperature stuff before on a...

    I've seen screwy temperature stuff before on a Makerbot. I think your machine might have a hardware problem. I think sometimes the thermocouple amplifier dies. Using a thermocouple in this...
  15. Forget all this stuff, I know of one killer...

    Forget all this stuff, I know of one killer feature they absolutely must​ add. Make it print.
  16. Replies

    I just wanted to point out that the high end...

    I just wanted to point out that the high end Stratasys FDM machines heat the entire build chamber to 230C. The Fortus 400 is built like an oven inside.
  17. Replies

    I have an idea for a possible fix for the...

    I have an idea for a possible fix for the extruder. The upper extruder is almost entirely enclosed, I think that the fan which blows air on the hot end fins is only creating a recirculating air...
  18. Replies

    That is very different. How long has it been...

    That is very different. How long has it been doing that?
Results 1 to 18 of 18