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Type: Posts; User: prototrout

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  1. Replies

    I can make a guess (with a lot of poor...

    I can make a guess (with a lot of poor assumptions). MakerJuice's most expensive resin currently sells for $45/L, so I'll assume PeachyJuice will sell for the same amount. After a quick search, it...
  2. Replies

    Salt and tap water, from what I understand. I...

    Salt and tap water, from what I understand.

    I imagine there's a tiny chance you might need filtered water, if anything in your local tap water can mix with the resin and affect the print quality,...
  3. Replies

    (It looks like the question was answered while I...

    (It looks like the question was answered while I was writing up my reply; I'm leaving it because it goes into a little more detail.)

    It's not using sound waves exactly, it's just using the sound...
  4. The floating laser idea is clever! I'll still...

    The floating laser idea is clever!

    I'll still design this to handle a fixed laser; not everyone will want to put the effort into making the laser float, so it will be good to support both. The...
  5. Replies

    It looks like their current plan...

    It looks like their current plan is to start releasing the software around when the beta kits are sent out (December).
  6. That version (with some improvements) is now...

    That version (with some improvements) is now live. It'll sound like static because I don't have line ordering done yet (the laser will jump around instead of moving in a circuit).

    Let me know if...
  7. Is that you, Yoda? 22 (From this model...

    Is that you, Yoda?


    (From this model)

    I haven't uploaded it just yet but I now have .stl file loading, tracing, and a rising z-level (faked; there's still no audio input done).
  8. I've whipped together a little something...

    I've whipped together a little something. It seems promising. Let me know how it runs!

    For me, it works in Chrome and sometimes stutters in Firefox (both on Windows). It should also work to some...
  9. Replies

    I have one definite answer for you and two...

    I have one definite answer for you and two educated guesses.

    1) Yes it can. On the specs page they talk about (the comparative price of) both hollow and solid prints.

    2) I'm not sure but I...
  10. The "Web 2.0 Javascript Magic" exists, but it's...

    The "Web 2.0 Javascript Magic" exists, but it's not everywhere yet. It's called Web Audio API. It should be possible to do everything in the browser, but it might not be fast enough; it will take...
  11. Replies

    If you have small enclosed spaces in your object...

    If you have small enclosed spaces in your object (shorter than the depth of the floating resin) they could be completely sealed before the water displaces the resin. Then there would be uncured resin...
  12. Replies

    Sticky: Hi everyone, Steve here. I backed the project...

    Hi everyone, Steve here. I backed the project because it's a compact 3D printer with a low-enough price tag (and simple enough assembly) to be attractive to me, even taking into account the risks...
  13. Idea: Print objects straight from your web browser

    It just occurred to me that, because the Peachy Printer's only input/output is through a sound card, it should be possible to control it entirely from a website. (And maybe even a mobile one, though...
Results 1 to 13 of 13