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  1. Thread: Diy it?

    by jontelling

    I can't say I'll have total overview, but I'll...

    I can't say I'll have total overview, but I'll try my best to work a frame-work out and place it on the wiki. Some bones to which we can add some meat...

    A trick I've taken from working in IT and...
  2. Thread: Diy it?

    by jontelling

    I volunteer as tribute for ditsrict UK. Jon.

    I volunteer as tribute for ditsrict UK.
  3. With it being OS and now a DIY job I guess this...

    With it being OS and now a DIY job I guess this is true, ;)

    I really wish Rylan would pop his head in and help answer some questions. There's little chance of use continuing this unless we have a...
  4. Thread: Diy it?

    by jontelling

    Hi all. I'm glad we're looking at DIYing this....

    Hi all.
    I'm glad we're looking at DIYing this. It was something I always thought would happen even before the "big bad news". Just like reprap....?

    Times like this we need to 'lay' everything we...
  5. Replies

    I was one of the original 10, but as noted in the...

    I was one of the original 10, but as noted in the last update they had a setback, I'm still waiting, :(
  6. Replies

    I make 6/10, but I've not yet been told the...

    I make 6/10, but I've not yet been told the printer is shipped. :)
  7. From my understanding this shouldnt be an issue,...

    From my understanding this shouldnt be an issue, :)
  8. Replies

    Another use for the peachy, SLS printing?

    Anyone else see the potential? ;) I know the peachy wouldn't drive the laser but this is something I would love to try.

    Nice thing about...
  9. I think isopropyl works, I remember reading...

    I think isopropyl works, I remember reading that's how you clean them off after using the form1.
    I'm guessing any alcohol will work.. Ethanol
  10. I think I've mentioned this, even using...

    I think I've mentioned this, even using 5000points around 360deg it isn't enough, the peachy is 18bits, 262K points which is uses over 40deg. That's 2,358K per 360. I'll find my post... :)
  11. I think you're on to something, but not how I...

    I think you're on to something, but not how I read your post. Rather than use the sensor directly from an optical mouse maybe we could use the whole unit, after all the mouse just sends movement...
  12. Replies

    Are you a beta tester or are you just doing a...

    Are you a beta tester or are you just doing a ad-hoc test of water levels before the V1.0 arrives? Please post pics etc, will be nice to see.

    You mentioned the meniscus, ive only thought about it...
  13. What models/ shapes should the peachy team print next?

    As it's a slow day (week...?) around here I thought I'd start yet another thread.

    So, what models or shapes would you like to see?

    I'll be happy with a cube and maybe a dual layer wall....
  14. I originally thought this but I’ve done some...

    I originally thought this but I’ve done some numbers (some made up).

    If you had a CCD (or CMOS) of 15M and every pixel is sensitive to 405nm (they're not as they have filters for each colour) that...
  15. Replies

    I don’t think so, it’s best to imagine the XY...

    I don’t think so, it’s best to imagine the XY resolution in terms of points per degree of projection.
    You don’t gain any increase resolution by being further away from the laser, you may gain some...
  16. Replies

    I can't answer that, but for fun, if you were to...

    I can't answer that, but for fun, if you were to project your build and use a 0.3mm aperture (assumed to be focused to infinity) and each point was were only just touching (no overlap) x and y could...
  17. Replies

    Nice informative reply Rylan. But as always I...

    Nice informative reply Rylan. But as always I have more questions. :)

    Do you plan (I'm sure you do) allow serial input to the peachy board? I ask as this would allow an arduino (are in my case as...
  18. Seems my question was more or less answered here ...

    Seems my question was more or less answered here in another post. :)
  19. Replies

    From the other thread Rylan said the drips as the...

    From the other thread Rylan said the drips as the z-axis can be out by 5%, but a peristaltic pump is 1%. As you say the drip detector should be be the same so it should work great and better than a...
  20. Replies

    I may make a syringe pump one day :)

    I may make a syringe pump one day :)
  21. Laser projection: Arcseconds and change in angular momentum (moments)

    This is mainly directed at the peachy team, but I thought I’d ask it (helping to build up a technical picture of the peachy).

    Has the team done any tests to measure the oscillation frequency of...
  22. No wonder you’re eager to get the continual...

    No wonder you’re eager to get the continual focusing sorted.
    You’re wasting 98.6% of the laser power when using an aperture of 0.3mm
    Just think, if the mirrors and z-axis can handle it you could...
  23. OK, :) Last question. What's the diameter of the...

    OK, :) Last question.
    What's the diameter of the laser leaving the diode. Nothing else. Just this. :)
    EDIT: Or if you know the make/model of laser diode that will do
  24. Replies

    I'm not sure this is the case, bigger build area,...

    I'm not sure this is the case, bigger build area, bigger build therefore more resin to cure, as with all lasers the power is limited this means the laser will take longer to cure each layer. Which...
  25. I could be wrong but this doesn't amplify the...

    I could be wrong but this doesn't amplify the deflection, just measures it from 90deg angle. The best to to amplify in this manner would to simply place the sensor at a greater distance from the...
Results 1 to 25 of 43
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