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Type: Posts; User: technobabble_

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  1. Replies

    Cooling fan needs push to turn on


    I've added a cooling fan to my FFCX using the extra port on the board. Sometimes the cooling fan turns on, but about half the time it needs an extra push to get going.

    Is this a bad...
  2. Replies

    It turns out that there was just enough debris...

    It turns out that there was just enough debris stuck at the bottom of the card slot to prevent me from reading it. Thank you all for th replies.
  3. Replies

    SD card Slot Broken on FF CX


    The little clip that holds the SD card in on my Monoprice (Flashforge) Creator X broke. It reads the card fine, it just won't stay into the slot. Has anybody fixed this issue without having...
  4. If you're not printing a lot of abrasive filament...

    If you're not printing a lot of abrasive filament (metal, wood, etc.) I've been happy with these replacements:
  5. Replies

    Per curious aardvark, what are your settings in...

    Per curious aardvark, what are your settings in the "Advanced" tab? Additionally, make sure your model is flat as possible, I've had models where the bottom was just tilted a little, and it caused...
  6. Temperature decrease and no fan didn't improve my...

    Temperature decrease and no fan didn't improve my retraction issue, but the parts look just as good, and seem to be stronger(!)

    Currently I'm at 2.20 mm retraction, with 0.15 mm extra restart...
  7. Oops, almost forgot: Default Print Speed: 3300...

    Oops, almost forgot: Default Print Speed: 3300 mm/min
  8. Interesting. I'll try 230c without the cooling...

    Interesting. I'll try 230c without the cooling fan.
  9. Thanks. From what I've read online it's based on...

    Thanks. From what I've read online it's based on the older Creator X. I'll try upping the retraction again, however when I do anything above 0.6mm the parts tend to fail; maybe I just need to add...
  10. Benchy gaps during layer change (Pictures Included)


    I have a problem where gaps are left where a particular shell starts and ends. When I looked under a microscope, it appears the filament turns into the part. I'm using a Monoprice...
  11. Replies

    Were you able to solve the issue? I currently am...

    Were you able to solve the issue? I currently am dealing with similar gaps like you've mentioned while printing Benchy.
  12. Replies

    Mystery Ridge On 3D Print


    I am trying to print out a lid for a part. I've been printing it like a bowl (see the last picture), however a consistent ridge appears along the outer part forms. It is about the same...
Results 1 to 12 of 13