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Type: Posts; User: grace

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  1. Replies

    hi, i use my prusa i3 ALUNAR 3D printer mostly...

    hi, i use my prusa i3 ALUNAR 3D printer mostly for diy fun, printing something such as pencil box, flowers, toys.
    So far the printer works very good, it show great performance.
    the attached some...
  2. why my photo i posted can't display?

    the 3d printing rose for you, hope you enjoy the nice weekend!/

    Why my photo couldn't display?

    ok, you can go to my facebook to see the 3D printing rose, if you like...
  3. Amazing 3D printing work by ALUNAR 3D Printer M508

    hi, guys , thanks for your attention, the photos are printed by ALUNAR 3D printer M508
    they are beautiful right?

    3D printing is amazing technology, make everyone to be the unique artist , to...
  4. Great 3D printer factory ALUNAR 3D Printer Get Great Deals & Offers ALUNAR focuses on providing online platform for buying and selling 3D Printers & related 3D products for people all across the globe

    and help bring people ideas and concept to...
  5. Replies

    great job! we are 3D printer factory ALUNAR is...

    great job! we are 3D printer factory ALUNAR is our brand.
Results 1 to 5 of 5