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Type: Posts; User: Chemvaldes

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  1. Replies

    Odd that there is also another thread in this...

    Odd that there is also another thread in this forum about raft collision issues.
    I try not to use rafts and instead use a helper disk that is scaled to become a raft. This allows me to float the...
  2. Replies

    That is not a bad suggestion Curious Ardvark but...

    That is not a bad suggestion Curious Ardvark but too late in the game to change on this project. I was hoping more for a possible profile change so that the slicer does not get confused like on this...
  3. Replies

    Collisions and Intersections?

    I am printing with a Replicator 2 and using Makerbot Software to slice and export with. As I work my way into my own models I am using Blender to do my 3D modeling. I have noticed that anytime a...
  4. Helper disks. I use them on the edges of my flat...

    Helper disks. I use them on the edges of my flat prints they really help. Used to be part of the Examples but now I grab them from Thingiverse and add one to each corner in the Makerware before...
  5. Replies

    Thanks for the link Thinkdifferent.

    Thanks for the link Thinkdifferent.
  6. Replies

    I have about 30 hours of printing with the fan in...

    I have about 30 hours of printing with the fan in the correct position now and i have not noticed much of a difference if any in the print quality. I only print in PLA and I print in a cold room with...
  7. Fargo 3D Printing sells the exact one for $45 and...

    Fargo 3D Printing sells the exact one for $45 and was shipped insanely fast. I bought one when they were in stock. Website says they have one left.
    You may want to contact them to see when they will...
  8. Replies

    Thanks Mjolinor for the quick reply. I have mine...

    Thanks Mjolinor for the quick reply. I have mine installed backwards and while it has worked I will flip it around. I've had the machine for over a year and must have been running it with it sucking...
  9. Replies

    Replicator 2 Fan Direction?

    I was reading in another thread where somebody posted that the fan should be installed with the sticker facing inward. I assume that means against the heat sink. My fan is facing outward (readable...
  10. I was going to say make sure that the shroud is...

    I was going to say make sure that the shroud is "clicked" in place but from the picture you posted it looks just fine. I have had a lose corner of a print "unclick" my shroud before but never had it...
  11. Sticky: Here are some of my favorite prints over the last...

    Here are some of my favorite prints over the last year.
    Summersville Lake, Summersville WV
    1:4 scale Natural Gas Well casing model...
  12. Thanks Roberto. I think I will skip the solvent....

    Thanks Roberto.
    I think I will skip the solvent. I am a big fan of the auto fillers and I have good faith in the XTC 3D finishing resin I just pulled a bone head move.
  13. Replicator 2 hot end recovery and repair from a mess Printing Again

    I'll post what happened and what I did in an effort to preserve the experience for learning and for warning. Anybody that wants to chime in with advice please do so.
    There is another post where I...
  14. Replies

    Haha. I should have just cut the wires and hung...

    Haha. I should have just cut the wires and hung it on the wall as art.
    Originally I thought I could just reheat and it would just fall away. It was so thick that only a torch would have gotten it...
  15. Replies

    Disaster! A plastic mess

    Well I kicked off a print and went to bed. The first layer was fine but something didn't seem right with the filament that was going down where the supports are supposed to be located. Woke up the...
  16. I had the clicking sound also during a clog....

    I had the clicking sound also during a clog. Supposedly a way of checking for a partial clog is if the stream wants to curl directly after exiting the nozzle. I have had 4 clogs now and I think they...
  17. Replies

    I revisited Roberto's suggestion and ended up...

    I revisited Roberto's suggestion and ended up with some very solid prints. The outer surface is a little rough but the wall widths came out nice and consistent. In almost a year I have only had one...
  18. Replies

    Thanks for the reply Roberto. I did a couple of...

    Thanks for the reply Roberto.
    I did a couple of test prints with the shell setting at 1 and for the most part it fixed the issue.
    I did one with 100% fill and one with 0% fill and for the most part...
  19. Replies

    how to print 1mm solid walls?

    I have over 650 hours logged of running my Replicator 2 since last May but most of that is with solid or near solid objects. My current project is a 1:6 scale model of a fiberglass fairing that...
Results 1 to 19 of 19