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Type: Posts; User: thawkins

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  1. Sticky: 1) The most interesting thing i have printed is...

    1) The most interesting thing i have printed is another printer, im working on an all printed 3d printer design, obviously motors, rails, electronics etc wont be printed. But the bulk of the printers...
  2. I printed the ultimaker 14 piece lightsabe, took...

    I printed the ultimaker 14 piece lightsabe, took almost 48 hours to print all the parts in ABS at 0.1mm


    I have had my creator pro for about 3 weeks now, and i love it, previously i owned...
  3. Replies

    mobile device (tablet) registration broken

    The registration process for mobile device users (tablet) appears to be broken, it does not display the text of the human verification question. So it is impossible to proceed. And there is no...
Results 1 to 3 of 3