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Type: Posts; User: Someguy87

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  1. Its my own rendition of the symbol and most of it...

    Its my own rendition of the symbol and most of it is taken from much older symbolism.
  2. Replies

    turned out to be the spot for power on the ramps...

    turned out to be the spot for power on the ramps board melted.. luckily I had another fried ramps so I did a swap and all is well.. Made a mount for a 60mm fan to cool it off and turned my voltage...
  3. I spent a lot of time on the detail and tried to...

    I spent a lot of time on the detail and tried to make improvements to the code of arms to make it sharper. The base is totally from my own imagination.

  4. Replies

    17941795 Here are some pics

    17941795 Here are some pics
  5. Replies

    Custom designed Halo display pieces

    Designed these and put afew up for sale, another must see 3dg3o display piece.

    nicely priced at 16.99. Both are the same but different color schemes. Blue base, silver halo logo, and silver base...
  6. Replies

    Makerfarm i3v heat bed not heating up

    Woke up this morning to a finished print, came out great. I went to start the second part and the bed wont heat up. I just got done changing the wires twice and the thermistor is functioning, goes...
  7. Custom Designed Legend of Zelda Display Piece

    Spent afew days designing this from scratch. I'm a big fan of Zelda so I figured I'd make one to sell so another fan could enjoy it as much as I do.

    Its a must see. Custom Silver triforce...
  8. Replies

    Wierd problem with MF PLA

    Hi everyone, I have a 8'' i3v and I've had nothing but good experiences so far.

    I'm using the factory settings on most prints, simply slowing down for others that are more complicated. I'm using...
  9. Only if the extruder is almost all the way to the...

    Only if the extruder is almost all the way to the right of the heat bed and then goes up. Hits the a frame
  10. The extruder stepper is hitting the A frame...

    The extruder stepper is hitting the A frame threaded rod and stopping me at a 3 inch print height

    I can't see a way for the extruder to go on without the stepper hitting. Wierd.
  11. Figured out that my power supply was too weak. It...

    Figured out that my power supply was too weak. It was forcing me to have to turn the current to high to get it to extrude

    thanks for the help everyone.
  12. Greg's or wades on my Prusa robs print height

    Hi everyone.

    I'm in the process of getting my Prusa i2 horizontal x frame to get going. The extruder that came with it was very poor quality and so warped the motor sat crooked so I had to change...
  13. Sadly for me.. I mean I adjusted it and same...

    Sadly for me.. I mean I adjusted it and same story. Works great for pla and still gets crazy hot for abs

  14. Thank you for the advice with the fan. I will...

    Thank you for the advice with the fan. I will definitely do that.

    I have adjusted the current on the stepper drivers. I have it as low as I can go with out it stopping extrusion. I can print PLA...
  15. I'd also like to add that now my jhead is holding...

    I'd also like to add that now my jhead is holding strong at 225 but my bed has dropped from 110 to 97/98 and wont go any higher. It starts out right and slowly drops.
  16. Strange problem with ABS, Stepper heating up

    Hi everyone

    (Makerfarm 8") Ramps 1.4, NEMA 17's

    I'm relatively new to 3d printing but so far have been able to print PLA with great success. All my steppers remain cool to the touch and prints...
  17. Replies

    Just found a velleman k8200 at a good price....

    Just found a velleman k8200 at a good price. Anyone know what type of microcontroller it uses? Or if it even comes with one. I can't find anything about it in deatils/parts lists on any sites.
  18. Replies

    Advice on 3d printer

    Hello everyone, I have recently become very interested in 3d printing as I believe it will change the world as we know it. In fact it has already started to. Anyone who hasn't should research 3d...
Results 1 to 18 of 19