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Type: Posts; User: midwire

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  1. Replies

    Blue wire should be toward the outer edge like...

    Blue wire should be toward the outer edge like you have it. The middle wire should be black. I wired my switches incorrectly the first time as well. The writing on those little switches is too...
  2. Replies

    Makerfarm i3 8" Prusa Printer Tweaks

    I'm new to 3d printing and new to this forum. I purchased and built the Makerfarm kit in 2 days last weekend. Well, it took me a day to build it and another day to get my glass, soldiering iron,...
  3. I also purchased the 8" i3 Prusa kit. I am very...

    I also purchased the 8" i3 Prusa kit. I am very happy with it. I had some issues getting it calibrated but that was my own problem, not the kit's. Colin could not have been more responsive with...
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