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Type: Posts; User: RogerD

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  1. To my surprise - not long at all. I spent a...

    To my surprise - not long at all. I spent a couple of hours or so making sure my endstops were all in order and tuning in my stepper drivers. Then my 1st print was ok!

    A handful of prints taught...
  2. Replies

    i3 here with a J-Head Mk v. Lots of warping of...

    i3 here with a J-Head Mk v. Lots of warping of larger parts (Wades extruder, or the X-carriage) until:

    Kapton, 105 degrees. Make sure the whole bed has heated evenly so leave for 15 mins after it...
  3. Replies

    I bought my frame and all metals parts, and...

    I bought my frame and all metals parts, and pulleys and belts from Gcolbourne (he sells on another EMaker site which is considerably cheaper than ebay). His price is about right and saves dicking...
  4. Replies

    I have just recently built a Prusa i3. I saw...

    I have just recently built a Prusa i3. I saw maplin were doing the Velleman K8200 on sale at £499. At this price point I was interested. So I started researching. The one thing it had to be was a...
Results 1 to 4 of 4