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Type: Posts; User: doctek

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  1. Replies

    For PLA, the bed is set to 60C, that's a Lexan...

    For PLA, the bed is set to 60C, that's a Lexan bed with a PCB stype heater. But I think more temperature range is possible. I've had much success using just an aquarium heater stuck to the Lexan bed...
  2. Sounds like you need some sort of strain relief....

    Sounds like you need some sort of strain relief. The sort of failure you describe sounds like a metal fatigue situation. Support the wire near the motor so that it can't flex at the connection. Then...
  3. Replies

    In my experience, you will have trouble printing...

    In my experience, you will have trouble printing small gears like in your picture with any 3D printer costing less than $10K or so. A commercial unit like the Objet could do it, but the required...
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