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Type: Posts; User: Chips

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  1. have a marlin 1.1.5 or 1.0.2-2 configuration.h for for a pegasus 12 w/Bl touch?

    I tried to do a compare of configuration.h between the 'experimental' marlin firmware that Colin supplies and a recent version of Marlin (1.1.5 or 1.0.2-2) and found the differences were......
  2. I put all of the uncommented defines from the...

    I put all of the uncommented defines from the rcbugfix configuration.h and the 'colin' old configuration.h in an excel file and did some comparing (I do SQL stuff all day, I am using a saw to pound...
  3. configuration.h for w/abl

    I would like to get running the latest marlin. I started comparing Colin's original configuration.h to the one with and determined that it is...
  4. Is there a configuation.h that you have built? ...

    Is there a configuation.h that you have built? After I uploaded rc7, my LCD is blank... I looked over the configuation.h, but nothing jumped out at me.
  5. I am trying to get my 8" i3v going again after...

    I am trying to get my 8" i3v going again after several months of neglect. I have the hardware for ABL.. what is the address of the latest/best marlin RAMPS build?
  6. Replies

    request for diagnosis with photos

    I am getting some sort of peculiar banding. here is a shot of Benchy and a pi case I attempted.
    This is with matterhackers PLA through a e3d v6.
    The bed temp was 70 for benchy with an extruder...
  7. Replies

    Thanks to all for the advice. I changed the...

    Thanks to all for the advice. I changed the jumper on the pololu branded driver and that altered the distance. However, for some reason, the Pololu black acted differently, not sure I can describe...
  8. Replies

    Pololu calibration

    I have an 8" I3v. I was experiencing an issue where the steppers were not turning but were making a HMMM sound. I believe I traced it to a failed stepper controller and I ordered some A4988 Stepper...
  9. Replies

    Cricut spatula tool. I have the one that came...

    Cricut spatula tool. I have the one that came with a scraper,which i do not use, it was 8.92 on amazon. Works very well
Results 1 to 9 of 9