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Type: Posts; User: Maggie

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  1. Replies

    Chris I'm curious, was this a commissioned...

    Chris I'm curious, was this a commissioned project or did you guys just do this for fun/business purposes?

    It looks awesome by the way!
  2. Hmmm I would think that if you integrate the...

    Hmmm I would think that if you integrate the right supports into the 3d model you print this would work fine on a Makerbot Replicator 2 or higher I would guess. I would wait for some other feedback...
  3. Replies

    Cubify Cube 2nd Generation - $300 Off

    Hey guys, Amazon is running a sale today to get $330 off the retail price of 3D System's Cubify Cube 3D printer. This is the 2nd generation model that is silver. Note that at the time of be posting...
  4. Replies

    MatterControl 1.1 Released

    Not sure how many of you guys used the MatterControl software to help you manage printing your 3D objects. If you do, they have just released an update, Mattercontrol Version 1.1. The new version...
  5. Replies

    This seems like more of an extruder issue than...

    This seems like more of an extruder issue than having to do with your build plate. Could it just be a coincidence that it started happening after leveling the plate? Have you tried releveling the...
  6. Replies

    When you do a bearing alignment have you looked...

    When you do a bearing alignment have you looked to see if there is some play between the bushings and the rods? The first thing I would have guessed though is certainly belt tension like you said....
  7. Replies

    I am assuming there are some out there. However,...

    I am assuming there are some out there. However, you may just want to become an affiliate as you would then be able to really choose a variety of different brands and companies. Also you...
  8. Replies

    I would think you would want to fit any many into...

    I would think you would want to fit any many into one print as possible. If you need to make them tough that would be fine. Just make it so they can easily be snapped apart or cut apart. What...
  9. Replies

    3D Printed NCAA Football Stadiums by Zverse

    A company called Zverse has come up with a rather creative way to make some money off the 3D printing craze. They are offering miniature replicas of various NCAA football stadiums in full color 3d...
  10. URME Creepy But Cool 3D Printed Mask to Throw off Surveillance Cameras

    This is incredible, both in a creepy and cool way. Leo Selvaggio has come up with URME Surveillance which uses stereolithography to 3D print resin cured masks of himself. Those masks can be printed...
  11. Replies

    3D Printed Prosthetic Covers - UNYQ

    One company thought it would be nice if they could give a wide variety of choices to those needed prosthetic devices. This is why Fashion house and retailer, UNYQ decided to create these unique 3D...
  12. I think this will eventually become one of those...

    I think this will eventually become one of those thing in which the government will lose control of. As 3d software progresses, it will be easy to create these things. They can make owning one...
  13. Replies

    Awesome, I look forward to following your thread....

    Awesome, I look forward to following your thread. Please keep us all posted your your progress! I was talking to someone only a couple weeks ago who just built their own Kossel printer. He loved it!
  14. Replies

    3D Printing and Friends

    I know this may be a bit of an odd post, but for those of you who have purchased 3D printers, what do your friends think of it who are not tech geeks? When I got my printer, anytime anyone would...
  15. Replies

    WOW! I agree that motor is impressive. Here is...

    WOW! I agree that motor is impressive. Here is the video:
  16. Thread: Prostate Cancer

    by Maggie

    Hey Old Man, very important post. My Cousin...

    Hey Old Man, very important post. My Cousin has/had prostate cancer. He caught it early and is doing well. This is actually on of the cancers which could be almost cured within the next 5-10 years...
  17. Software is going to play a huge role in the way...

    Software is going to play a huge role in the way in which the 3d printing and scanning markets develop. Just one also development could change the speed in which the technology is being adopted. ...
  18. 3D Printing, Best Tip, Trick, or Advice You Have?

    Out of all the 3D printing experience you have had, what is the most useful piece of information you can share with the community here at 3DPrintboard? Whether it is a tip of how to calibrate a...
  19. Replies

    I have personally dealt with a variety of domain...

    I have personally dealt with a variety of domain issues over the years. I believe this is a pretty complicated situation. I don't think American 3D printing was at all directing anything negative...
  20. Is 3D Printing the Most Exciting Up and Coming Technology Out There?

    I'd like to hear some opinions on this. I follow a lot of the tech trends and emerging technologies out there. Whether it's virtual reality, nanotechnology, regenerative medicine, graphene, solar...
  21. Replies

    Within the next 3 years I am willing to bet a...

    Within the next 3 years I am willing to bet a solid majority of public libraries will have 3d printers in them. Whether they are free or not is yet to be seen. Considering the costs of the...
  22. Replies

    3D Printed King Tut Tomb

    Over 1000 guests visit King Tut's (Tutankhamun's) tomb on a daily basis in Egypt. The constant flow of visitors have put the tourist site under a great deal of wear and tear. Because of this,...
  23. This is the future. Lockheed Martin will lead...

    This is the future. Lockheed Martin will lead the way in the aerospace market for 3d printing. If money is being saved right now, just imagine how much will be saved when 3D printing technology...
  24. Replies

    Any idea what the software costs? I mean is it...

    Any idea what the software costs? I mean is it worth buying the MODO software just to take advantage of this discount?
  25. That's the wrong way to look at it Mystery. The...

    That's the wrong way to look at it Mystery. The future is going to have so many more incredible advances. I wish I was born 50 years later. I'd probably have a great chance of living until I'm...
Results 1 to 25 of 159
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