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Type: Posts; User: JasonStonier

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  1. Replies

    If it was my project I'd do it on my resin...

    If it was my project I'd do it on my resin printer - I usually print at 0.05 on it but I -think- it will go lower than that. White resin and use a different UV resin for your embossing, with a UV pen...
  2. Ender 3 Pro - weird artefacts in printing

    Got a weird issue - my printer is set up well and producing great prints as far as I can see, but I often get artefacts as you can see in the attached - somewhere on a print will be a vertical line...
  3. Voxelab Polaris resin printer - 6 prints in and it's all going wrong

    Greetings all - my first proper foray into 3D printing - I have a Prusa i3 clone but I've never got it printing accurately, so I got a Voxelab Polaris resin printer to play with - it's basically the...
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