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Type: Posts; User: Trakyan

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  1. Box and V ways aren't wheels, and neither of them...

    Box and V ways aren't wheels, and neither of them are extruded. They're usually cast iron and ground to shape. I'm positive you would have seen them on subtractive machines. Second picture down shows...
  2. @Reefsider, I'll just offer some small things to...

    @Reefsider, I'll just offer some small things to think about. Regarding 2 motors vs 1, you've worked with a few industrial machines by the sounds of it, have you ever seen 2 motors driving one belt?...
  3. Didn't see many people supporting spring...

    Didn't see many people supporting spring tensioners, the majority explained what issues they can cause. The only reasons I saw people explain they should be used was it was better than a slack belt,...
  4. Yes, I've read it. Most people on the reprap...

    Yes, I've read it. Most people on the reprap forum (not the one on this forum, the one from the reprap website) advise against them whenever they are brought up. Feel free to ask there if you don't...
  5. I've heard most people advise against those...

    I've heard most people advise against those spring based belt tensioners, they basically introduce another stretchy element to the belt. Haven't had any experience with them myself so I don't know...
  6. The O-Drive and Mechaduino (type either of those...

    The O-Drive and Mechaduino (type either of those into google) I mentioned in my previous post are the open source/hobbyist level ones I'm familiar with. Some of the name brands usually seen in CNC...
  7. Again, I already mentioned the bending, and that...

    Again, I already mentioned the bending, and that the rails can be fully supported which prevents that. My point was just that there are plenty of printers that get good results with rods. You can't...
  8. Linear rails aren't bad, but I feel like it's a...

    Linear rails aren't bad, but I feel like it's a bit of a sledgehammer to swat a fly scenario. Lots of printers with round rails produce great results, even ones that are indistinguishable from those...
  9. It's not really a "frequency", it's switching...

    It's not really a "frequency", it's switching fully on/off at a specified threshold. It has nothing to do with frequency it's always either full on, or full off depending on what side of the...
  10. My first sentence was saying that it does NOT use...

    My first sentence was saying that it does NOT use PWM.
  11. You can actually use a solenoid relay, it uses...

    You can actually use a solenoid relay, it uses what's sometimes called Bang-Bang control rather than a PID loop with PWM. It basically involves turning the heater fully on and switching it off as it...
  12. The best controller depends on your needs. If a...

    The best controller depends on your needs. If a simple atmega based board fits your needs, just use that. No sense in using a sledge to swat a fly. As for servos, there are some servo which can be...
  13. The first idea of mounting the extruder in the...

    The first idea of mounting the extruder in the middle makes sense, it just usually isn't worth the extra hassle. The logic behind the idea of a second x-carriage for the extruder is somewhat flawed....
  14. Replies

    Over 5000 is a big price. Smoothness of the final...

    Over 5000 is a big price. Smoothness of the final part more or less rules out the usual FDM printers. I'd suggest an objet or SLS printer. SLA might work but tends to produce brittle parts and I...
  15. Replies

    I don't think the learning curve is as steep as...

    I don't think the learning curve is as steep as people say it is, as long as you don't start with a nuts and bolts kit, and software is provided. Even a lot of chinese kits don't involve much...
  16. Can't say I've ever had to print a viking helmet,...

    Can't say I've ever had to print a viking helmet, but I guess everyone's use case is different. That being said I personally dont have the patience or desire to print large decorative items. All of...
  17. My advice on big printers is generally "you don't...

    My advice on big printers is generally "you don't need a big printer".

    Aside from big prints taking ages, and most people don't have the patience to put up with that, 3d printing (or at least fdm)...
  18. Reinforcing during printing, not so much. The...

    Reinforcing during printing, not so much. The markforged printers can and do this by turning the printed part into a semi typical fibre composite. But no machine you're going to have on your desk for...
  19. Replies

    Finally fixed the warping issue, a bit of abs...

    Finally fixed the warping issue, a bit of abs juice and the parts stick with no noticeable warping. Gonna start printing all the parts once I tune in the tolerances I need.

    Anyone got any thoughts...
  20. Replies

    I've done a few tweaks (and working on a few...

    I've done a few tweaks (and working on a few more) to lower the amount of material needed. The top red plate will be removed, the corners have been trimmed down a bit and will be trimmed further.
  21. Replies

    I'm only using ABS because it came free with the...

    I'm only using ABS because it came free with the printer and I only have a partially full spool of PLA :(.
    I just figured a small, enclosed printer with a z axis bed and a hotbed capable of reaching...
  22. Replies

    Thanks for filling out the survey! The answer is...

    Thanks for filling out the survey!
    The answer is no, I don't have any pictures of the machine yet. There is a "total_assembly" module in the .scad file which renders an assembly of the machine if...
  23. Replies

    Cheap, 3D printed CNC

    Not necessarily a 3D printer (you could strap a hotend on there!), but it is 3D printed. Thought people here might be interested, but if it's against the rules please feel free to remove it mods.
  24. I'm not too sure what you mean by changing infill...

    I'm not too sure what you mean by changing infill direction. From what I'm aware the rectilinear/grid infills alternate direction to give you a cross hatch sort of effect. Secondly, "modifying" the...
  25. Your firmware shouldn't let the z axis move that...

    Your firmware shouldn't let the z axis move that fast, unless it's configured very optimistically. As for the default units, it's typically mm. And from what I'm aware, that F9000 only applies to...
Results 1 to 25 of 190
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