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Type: Posts; User: Demxsr

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  1. I ended up fixing this problem by replacing the...

    I ended up fixing this problem by replacing the board. I also added a MOSFET for the bed. So it appears that the issue was a defective board. What was wrong with the board? I couldn't tell you. But...
  2. Replies

    The popping can sometimes be caused by the...

    The popping can sometimes be caused by the filament collecting moisture if it is not stored in a sealed package with a packet of desiccant. If this is the case, it could add to reduced print quality....
  3. Need Advice: First layer on infill causing print to fail.

    I'm printing with PETG, using Cura, at speeds of 40m/s or below, bed at 83C, and nozzle at 230C. I don't have this issue with PLA, just PETG. The first layer that prints on top of the Infill is very...
  4. everything is barely warm to the touch. I have...

    everything is barely warm to the touch. I have heatsyncs on all the drivers with a fan blowing directly across them. Motors are not warm either during prints.
  5. Replies

    The "consistency" of the inconsistent filament...

    The "consistency" of the inconsistent filament flow might point to extruder. Maybe a worn down toothed gear, spring tension is a bit too loose, or motor shaft is bent or something is causing it to...
  6. It could totally be a problem with the firmware,...

    It could totally be a problem with the firmware, I compiled it myself. Its a hypercube evolution that was a complete DIY build. The failure occurs about 40% of the time on prints longer than 5 hours....
  7. The main issue is the X or Y motor stopping...

    The main issue is the X or Y motor stopping randomly during the print and not starting up again. Or both stopping at the same time before the print is finished. In the first picture 1 motor stops,...
  8. What could be causing this issue? (motor stops)

    I built a Corexy machine. It's running a SKR 1.3 with TMC2208 in UART and marlin 2.0 bugfix.I've had multiple successful prints. But I've also had this issue with where either the X or Y motor just...
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